The longevity treatment no one’s talking about: Peter Attia, M.D. | mbg Podcast

Welcome to the mindbodygreen podcast! Each week, host Jason Wachob, founder and co-CEO of mindbodygreen, engages in …


  1. Dr. Attia is very smart. There are many that disagree with LDL being bad, and many studies also agree that LDL does not cause atherosclerosis. One question no answered by Dr. Attia and others who consider LDL bad is: If LDL is so bad and causes clotting in arteries, why then does high LDL not cause clotting in veins? The concentration is the same, yet atherosclerosis does not occur in veins. The answer is quite beautifully explained by Dr. Malcom Kendrick. Do look him up.

  2. If I end up in the nursing home, I don’t want to have a longevity I rather die sooner than stuck in a nursing home for another 10 years.

  3. My friend is 72 and his has been exercising all his life, can do the splits, high muscle mass, elite VO2 max, is on no meds. Eats 3 times daily clean and fresh food @

  4. Dropped my total cholesterol and LDL levels 80 points in 8 weeks . Each now both in range . Stopped eating egg
    yolks – hence I was
    eating 10eggs a day .

    HDL 65
    Triglycerides-45 stayed the same .

    My APO-b was was also checked -119 🤔

    I’ll now check if that also dropped down .
    Hopefully 🤞

    Outlive a must read – great information.

  5. I don´t Know. Of course tackling CVD would increase life span. But I think that the understanding of what is causing a general reduction in production of several molecules in the body is cornestone. Like blood flow tends to lower due to some sort of general problem and this causes organs and glands to start receiving less blood in an asymetrical way. And this causes then to reduce the production of molecules. Probably this theory is wrong but focusing in supplementation alone, despite being an advancement, don´t tackle a possible root cause. Blood unifies the whole body, so a disease started by it also would affect the whole body. Like aging

  6. Someday if we ever get past this healthcare for profit fiasco i predict they will look back at cholesterol as the cause of cardio vascular disease like how we look at using blood letting for illness. Its compete archaic junk science.
    Sugar habitually at high levels combined with standard systolic blood pressure causes the damage largely then the cholesterol has to habitually repair the damage until the artery is plugged.
    I think grain/seed is the primary food driving the majority of it. There is something inflamatory about grain/seed beyond the high glycemic nature which is also in other processed food/garbage.
    No animal was ever meant to eat grain all you have to do is look at how fat cows get in feed lots on grain. Additionally our dogs when fed the 70% grain based commercial doggie fast food get the same issues humans face, oral health issues, diabetes, cancer, obesity.
    Humans were eating primary animals before we invented agriculture. We supplemented we roots, tubers, etc and i realize its different in different places around the world. The point is no other animals are contending with health issues from diet becsuse they all eat whole food diets. The only time ruminants eat grain is in combination with the whole plant in nature. Hence why deer are lean not full of ectopic fat.
    So it makes zero sense eating animal products, one of natures whole foods would cause disease via cholestetol. Lions, etc circulation is saturated with cholesterol and they are not dealing with plugged arteries. Speaking of arteries, arteries are the only vessels damaged not capillaries or veins. If cholestetol were the mechanism for disease one would think veins and capillaries would also get damaged.
    Nothing about the cholestetol hypothesis makes sense. Yet habitually high blood glucose does because we can see the damage done to diabetics from habitually high blood sugar. Lastly the human body only has roughly 2000 calories/600 grams of glucose/glycogen storage in muscles and liver. We burn fat as out primary fuel source during rest and day to day activity. Only during high intensity activiy do we burn mostly glucose. Once we have our glycogen stores full from a high glycemic diet the liver then has to convert the remaining glucose into fat/triglycerides gor fuel or storage. Why would our primary fuel source fat, be the cause of disease. It should be pretty obvious by now that when you pour pure fuel sugar and oil, into a system designed for whole food. The liver becomes overwhelmed and the excess fat starts getting put ectopically in the liver and other organs, muscles. Because diabetes and other metabolic disorders arent glucose storage issues they are fat storage issues. Ectopic fat damages the organs and leads to metabolic dysfunction and that is the viscious cycle of metabolic disease. The processed grain and seed were invented by man and there is nothing natural about it.

  7. I thought that adverse prescription drug effects and other medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America? Not mentioned at all by Mr. Attia, who I can't believe is promoting drugs for all. These drugs also seem to have had an adverse effect on his hairline. No a good advert for them, if they're so healthy.

  8. Taking a $500.00 a month pill to supposedly live longer. How absurd!! Who does that sound like??? If one follows Peter's history starting with his Atkins approach, he's been all over the place!!! His intellectual approach has sent him down the Pharmaceutical Rabit Hole. How can anyone get good health advice from a so called expert that changes his theory from week to week? Intellectualism is sometimes impressive but is many times NOT good advice!!!

  9. After watching this I am seriously considering going back on Pitavastatin and Zetia. I have about 6 bottles saved full of Zetia (ezetimibe), I had an endocrine doctor tell me my Cholesterol levels were way too low, because I was taking it and also taking Atorvastatin with it. Normally I have elevated cholesterol levels and low thyroid (being treated) Anyways she cancelled my prescription for Zetia, so screw her, I quit taking Atorvastatin it bothered my muscles, aches and pains in my shoulders neck, it was real. I eventually tried Rosuvastatin, and well I complained a little on that too, and got prescribed Pitavastatin and that one has no side effects, but I got really dizzy one night, and just stopped taking it, not sure if it had anything to do with my vertigo and confusion.

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