The TRUTH about Rick Simpson's Hemp Oil (Part 1)

Cancer and chemo are discussed in parts 2 and 3************** Links to every claim I make will be given in the description of each …


  1. Most misleading title I've ever seen on a YouTube video. It's nothing but a rant against the pharmaceutical industry. I'm not against ranting about the evils of pharmaceuticals, but don't give your rant a misleading title.

  2. I'm almost 3 minutes into this video and I haven't heard anything about Rick Simpson Oil. Trash-talking the Pharmaceuticals isn't doing anything to promote your product.

  3. Big pharma can only be paying Rick Simpson to market cannibis oil — It's what I suspected. Why would Rick Simpson go to all this trouble if he's not making a profit ?

  4. People are still stupid enough not to realize healthcare is actually sick care and that's the way the whole mainstream medical system likes it, from the pharmaceutical companies down to the MDs. Tell a doctor you are going the natural therapy way they will get angry, even toss you out of their surgery. If they were known to suggest a natural therapy they would lose their licences. The cancer industry is on it's own for making money, Rich as can be and the MDs get their share so why would they incorporate natural therapies into their agendas. The truth is the holistic doctors use real science, not Rockefeller science and are curing all diseases today. including Diabetes,Heart Diseases, all the common ones and autoimmune diseases, Lyme, Aids, stopping Alzheimers in its tracks and curing it up to stage 5. Mainstream medical is so worried about this that 85 holistic doctors have been murdered since 19th June 2015. You can find a list of them if you look. THERE ARE 400 CURES FOR CANCER.

  5. You know pharma companies don't make anything off cancer treatment drugs right?

    People in the street are laughing at you while you record this dribble mate!

  6. pftzer needs to be boycotted, go get a natural doctor, if you can find one. and don't eat the things they say are GENERALLY Safe for human consumption lol. GENERALLY SAFE??? REALLY. GENERALLY SAFE FOR CONSUMPTION IS not GOOD ENOUGH. iM TALKING FOOD HERE, BUT THE SAME TYPE OF PEOPLE SEEM TO CONTROLING OUR DRUGS TOO, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ????? WE BETTER FIND OUT SOON.

  7. I don't think people know just how bad the oral bioavailability of THC and CBD really are. This study shows the half-life is 1 hour and peak plasma levels are 03.-2.6 ng/ml. We know that from preclinical studies the IC50 (slow down the growth of cancer by half) levels are 10-30uM. So a person would need to take 7-54 grams at hour zero (highly variable per person) then followed by 3-27 grams every hour after in order to have a modest effect on their cancer. Good luck if you think it's going to work or be non-toxic at these blistering high doses!.

  8. Chemo and radiation enjoys a 97% failure rate, meaning 97 out of every 100 people treated by traditional chemo and/or radiation will die from the treatments themselves. High THC/CBD RSO (30% or above) concentrates on the other hand, enjoy a 74% cancer remission and/or cure rate, where Cannabis extracts have saved the lives of tens of thousands of otherwise terminal cancer cases, even after chemotherapy. Cannabis has proven itself a life-saving weapon where medical science has failed to prevent an unnatural or premature end. Poisonous chemo is death more quickly, natural cannabis is longer life and true health in abundance for both mind, body, and spirit.

  9. Well, I have got my own story to tell. I had a crusty growth on my lower lip for 6 long years. The crusty growth continued to grow and make the area scaly I tried many topical creams but in vain. Then I started applying the RSO and suddenly just after a week of topical application I could see a remarkable change the crust and skin peeling off suddenly vanished and the area became softer. I am keeping my fingers crossed to see what happens next.

  10. Not just THC, …..CBD!  FDA approved leukemia drugs I took cost $8000 per month, caused horrific and permanent damage to nerves and blood vessels in both feet and lower legs from the knees down, dropped me down to 90 lbs, and almost killed me.  The only way they could have gained FDA approval for those drugs was lies and bribes.

  11. hospitals are corporations. theyre no in the curing business but the treatment business. money is made off treating ppl not curing ppl. as with all corporations PROFIT is the bottom line over ethics, right, humanity, and GOD.

  12. ke to be come friendlly think the seed oil has thc it has almost none so screw to the haters,ps cheers please check out my cures for cancer playlist it seems nano virus are respnsable for a % cancer

  13. Stoned to the Bone Low Budget Productions present…   Pot Oil Propaganda.  RSO works becuz Big Pharma Bad. 
    "Dude!"  Look what I wrote in this notebook over lunch!"
    This has to be one of the most retarted videos on Earth.

  14. Screw Pfizer! I've been on Xanax for over a decade to treat my panic disorder. It works but the problem is I can't quit taking it and tapering down the dose is very difficult, sickening and dangerous. Yeah, I can keep taking it and my panic attacks will be controlled but the chronic brain fog (short-term memory loss and cognitive problems) are not really worth it.

    Maybe a sedating cannabis would be better!  At least you can quit cannabis without life-threatening WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS!

    The hell with pharmaceuticals.

  15. Our health care industry absolutely WILL WITHHOLD ALL INFORMATION that will reduce their profits. The AMA and the FDA are criminal enterprises, the heads of which should be executed in front of the entire nation for the evils they have done. DO THE RESEARCH! You have the Internet. You can find the evidence of the manifold murders and torment and greed of these two organizations in SECONDS!

  16. Rock on! lol i cant get any info cuz the fukn guy is getting into pretty serious information with about a grade 7 education. If i want to know who the lead singer of Megadaeth is ill ask him, but when it comes to health and well being… yeah… gfy.

  17. Vitamin C, I read, is an Absolute Virucide. Like viruses are twigs and C is fire.
    Just saying, worth consideration for the medicine box. I like liposomal. Lecithin is good. Skin feels good. Dr Andrew Saul.

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