What are Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES)

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES) are very common and yet very often missed. In this video we will explain what PNES.


  1. Thank you for this video and will share it with my narcolepsy group as some were misdiagnosed or presently have this as a co-morbidity. It has become more of a discussion especially because of hypnagogic jerks or cataplexy.

    Most importantly, thank you for your kindness and understanding.

  2. Hi Doc thank you for the videos I was diagnosed with PNES a year ago however I'm an over the road truck driver why do my seizures come and go I can go several months without having one then BAM all of a sudden I start having them again and it will stay with me for several months why is this

  3. Try having the closest ertu tell your family that not to bring you back because there's nothing they can do for me 30 seizures in one day and they didn't even know how to run the blood pressure machine.

  4. Hello, thank you for the All Informations. My daugther is 10 years old. Last summer, it was begin with non epileptic seizures. Today it was an Other seizure, she was standing, saw colorful dots and than she dont know and she has wet. Can this be an epileptic seizure? Last summer she has some Spikes in eeg.

  5. How common are these? Seizures are my worst fear with my health anxiety. Anything with my head that feels weird makes me feel like I’m going to have one. Please help.

  6. Hi Doc, I was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 20 years ago when I was 18. I started with myoclonic jerks at 16 then had a tonic clonic at 18. Ive been on various meds over the years, but the side effects have made me very sick. I only had tonics clonics when I was 18 and the aurus that would accompany them went at age 24. I am left with myoclonics, but worried these may turn into tonic clonics if I altogether leave the meds (currently on Briviact 25mg a day). However, I have had over 10 EEGs and MRI's over the years that have all come back normal, 1 was sleep deprived, 1 was for 24 hrs and on no meds. All neuros ive seen are baffled. Is this possible, thoughts?

  7. Any thing that doesn't imply that the person who is having them can control them. They are not bad for having them . They are not sycophantic or crazy parson let's put u in a padded room. I have been told all this and want it to Stop.

  8. Assalamualaikum doctor my niece started having seizures after painful break up
    She 30 years not yet married her scans are clear suffering on and off from two and a half years started taking epilepsy medicine from two days should she take my medicine or phycho treatment

  9. At many government clinics in South Africa it is almost impossible to have a proper discussion with your doctor about your condition. We almost never see the same doctor twice because the clinic has a different doctor everyday. We don't get to decide which doctor we want to see. Many doctors at the clinic that me and my brother have gone to don't even know why we take the medication. They just simply repeat the prescription without looking through the file or asking questions. Some of these doctors don't even know about the epilepsy diagnosis. A few doctors will look at the file, ask questions and request blood tests. Some only request drug levels, but one or two doctors will look at liver, kidney and complete blood count details as well.

  10. Dr.Omar, could you make a video explaining "agenesis of the corpus callosum?" as to why it happens and what it entails, I have found little material about it as far as adults are concerned.

  11. Hello, Doctor Omar! A year ago I was diagnosed with epilepsy but last month I had a check up and the results showed that it was not epilepsy. Although, the exams show this results , I usually get off but at the same time is like my brain is active because I wash my dishes or make my bed and later on when Im back is like what happened? My doctor was confused but checking this video it makes me think I have this or not?

  12. I showed my neurologist my seizure diary. It showed that if I took 1,500 Levetiracetam twice a day then I will only have a maximum of 3 seizures a month during my menstrual cycle. If I kept taking 750mg of Levetiracetam then I would have 5 or 6 seizures a month and may also have one focal to bilateral tonic clonic seizure. Yet the funny thing is because I work in a noisy environment with announcements, loud music and angry customers that would trigger the seizures due to my autism but find being on the medication is helpful because if I didn’t take it then I would have daily seizures and be unable to work.

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