Lori Vallow Trial CLOSING ARGUMENTS (FULL AUDIO) CrimeTalk TV: Welcome to the most fact-driven …


  1. I always found it weird she would let her daughter, who has pancreat issues eat so much take-away. Guessing Lori didn't care that much or protected them…

  2. Crocodile tears from Mr. Archibald (??) when speaking of Lori's oldest son's pain. Yet no tears shed for the two dead children, and how quickly they appeared to dry up. I also lost track of how many times he used the words 'stupid' and 'weird' in his closing, adjectives that could better be applied to his own words.

  3. I just learned of all the shxt she did to Charles when she "found out he was cheating on her". When in fact she was cheating on HIM. She totally provoked the man to rage by canceling his flight, taking his truck and cell phone. This was just after he found out that she was cheating on him (if I'm not mistaken). It was all a set up for Alex to shoot him in so called self defense. It was all planned. So, so EVIL.

  4. Archibald's closing was ridiculous. His argument was weak and his delivery was even worse. I can't imagine it had anything but a negative impression on the jury.

  5. The picture of Lori pointing her finger at Chad that looks like a gun means,
    “You’re next my love!”
    She’s killed at least 2 husbands.
    Who points their finger like that unless they use it as a gun. However, she didn’t have her fall guy Alex, so not sure who she’ll get to do the dirty work.

  6. Ding Dong, the ( Witch ) has been found Guilty. I so wish she receives " Life" , in prison being that putting her to death would not be enough suffering for someone like Lori. Her having to awake everyday in prison will have her wishing she received death. Suffer now each and everyday til death carries you out from behind those walls. JAYJAY & TYLEE YOU CAN REST NOW SWEET BABIES .. ❤

  7. What's up wit this Defense? They suck! I've listened 2 many trials & I hav nvr experienced an incompetent public denfender. STOP tellin the jury abt ur resume. Ur suppose 2 b fightin 4 ur client. Im not defending Lori, but she does hav a right 2 have adequate counsel. Did this guy just cry, really? I'm convinced, Lori's lawyers know she's GUILTY

  8. No mention of life insurance policies says her attorney. One of the witnesses testified that she had googled Gerber Life Insurance plans for kids because she waited to long to get insurance.

  9. Whoa, Mr Archibald. And I called Chad a good old fashioned huckster. Now, we only have audio here, but Mr Archibald's "crying" came and went very quickly. The whole rest of his closing was him issuing digs to everyone including Lori. He seemed to be a little angry. I guess he doesn't like to lose any more than the rest of us. But people died.

  10. no mention of the "witches coven" (Lori, et al) even trying to cast out the demons on the ones they offed. If my kids were possessed by demons, I'd choose a casting out over what she did. They were obviously not worried about saving the children's souls. I wish the prosecution had mentioned this fact along with the lack of evidence that she even cared what happened to her kids after. Any normal mom would be distraught if her kids were taken, killed and buried in someone's back yard. She has zero remorse.

  11. i love it when translated, self anointed beings are outsmarted by modern technology. I think the judge should jokingly tell both Chad and Lori and their sentencings: “bad news, you’re too stupid to make the 144,000. But there’s good news. All of the forensic technology experts in this case made the cut! Oh i’m just kidding. There’s no such thing as the 144,000. Sorry.

  12. This defense lawyer is making me cringe when he starts getting emotional. So weird especially when most of the time he sounds like a creep who belongs on a sex offender registry.

  13. Seizures are rarely fatal. Tammy didn't die of a seizure from Prozac. Does he think people are stupid?
    Why didn't Lori ask Chad why they were searching in his yard… if she didn't already know? If she really was not a conspirator then why didn't she freak out and throw him under the bus when she found out the kids were missing and or dead and buried in his yard. No one buys any of this!!!!😢

  14. This woman is not sorry her children are dead. No remorse or questions as to who may have done this terrible thing. She knows who killed them. She knows why these children, her ex-husband, her lover’s wife and her brother are all dead. She is a ringleader who believes she is a goddess and can order people dead whenever she wants. She is not sorry and will do it again if given the chance.
    Her attorney is blaming the new husband & brother. What a joke.

  15. It makes perfect sense that Lori was furious at her attorney’s after defense closing statement. Chad inflates her ego saying she’s a goddess but (correctly stated) his books and beliefs are rubbish. Wow!

  16. This closing statement that the defense lawyer is making is insulting to the publics intelligence.
    Lori was definitely the order giver to Alex, Chad was also the order giver to Alex, but Alex would double check with Lori before doing anything.
    Sorry for all of their victims (Joseph, Charles, Tylee, JJ, Tammy), They were playing God. I hope they know that their souls will be going to Satan 👹. I hope they have a really hot eternity together.
    Lori has never been a follower in her entire life. Look at her past life. Not once was she follower, then either, she did what she wanted when ever she wanted.

  17. Rob Wood did a great job! Pity she wont get DP! It seems nothing bothers her? Although she cried when defense spoke about Chad chinny chin chin. Justice for JJ, Tylee, Charles & Tammy. I wonder if she had anything to do with her previous husbands death? Or did his death start her spiralling to gain money from each death? I hope Kay & Larry gets peace after this ❤

  18. I honestly thought both attorneys did great with their closings. Rob Woods laid out the facts in a clear and concise timeline. Jim Archibald evoked sympathy and blamed Chad. They both did all they could do.

    Lori Vallow knew. She deserves all she gets.

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