7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike

Hey, guys! Today, I’ll be telling you about the 7 scientifically proven health benefits of green tea and how to drink it to maximize its …


  1. how do “antioxidants” you drink reach the “free radicals” in your mitochondria 🤔🤔 im not convinced it does. i feel like it’s more truthful to say; foods with antioxidants are usually healthy whole foods while food that don’t have them are usually highly processed foods with things like added sugar… eating more whole foods make you healthy, not eating “antioxidant”

  2. I was drinking green tea for a while, but then I kept getting dizzy spells. I have low blood pressure generally, so mentioned it just in passing to my doctor, and he said the green tea may be making it worse (it was also the only obvious change I made), so I stopped it. Any opinions?

  3. I actually feel better drinking coffee and I dont feel jittery w it, but I drink green tea once in a while. It's like..ehhh. I dont feel that great drinking it. Coffee has some great benefits too, bc it is from… coffee beans! You said to not add green tea directly to boiling water so what r u saying exactly? Didnt say. I guess add it to hot water, not boiling?

  4. What brands do you recommend as "good brands" and "not the cheap stuff"? Kinda vague there, especially because everyone has a different idea of what that is.

  5. I was a 2 pot of coffee a day person. So I created a rule. No coffee after I leave the house. I still wanted a hot beverage so I switched to tea at the office and at night. I know there's still caffeine but not enough to keep me up. My favorite teas come from Oliver Pluff and Company and Chinese grocery stores. I buy it loose and make up my own tea bags. Also I use a thermometer to make sure the water isn't above 160°.

  6. Who said being smart means you get to be serious all the time?This was very informative and I love the charisma and humour added too. Bro just earned himself a new subscriber.

  7. Now that you've talked about real health benefits of a tea, try searching YouTube for anything related to herbal teas to see a disgusting trend of pseudoscience. For example, try searching for "herbal teas review". Some of the health claims that show up from such an innocent search are concerning.

  8. Do you poor boiling water in first then dip it? How is it best to do it without killing the 'good stuff', also Lemon has Vitamin C, I also though Vitamin C denatures super easily with Hot/Boiling water? so can it still help or is it more of a phycological thing? @Doctormike

  9. yeah.. I was gonna say about causation/correlation when mentioning increased lifespan. I am an avid tea drinker, but I am also very cautious with my weight an exercise regularly. Also, great summer drink with green tea – greet tea and parsley (yes parsley) in equal quantities, fresh ginger, and dried stevia leaves to taste. Let it cool, stick it in the fridge or add ice, incredibly refreshing

  10. Hi Doctor Mike, I was wondering what your thoughts were about me buying a sack of pure anti-oxidant powder and eating a spoonfull every day ?. Any problems with this ?

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