1. I definitely agree and have posted videos demonstrating the many positive effects of using CBD with my mother. Hopefully all states in the USA will make all cannabis fully legal for medical patients. I’ve written every single legislator in my state and always get the standard office reply, NO! I guess they prefer to see people suffer?

  2. I cared for my mother (in my home) who had severe dementia for 7 years, before passing. As the illness progressed she would go into psychotic rages that lasted for days. Doctors had no answers, everything they prescribed made her worse. Finally I found an online community forum that was run by caregivers. It was there that I found out about a drug called Seroquel. But since it had a black label warning about it leading to death with a 1.2% increase no doctor would prescribe it. I finally found a geripsych that agreed to prescribe it but we had to try two other meds first due to the legal liability. Those other 2 meds did nothing, but after the first dose of Seroquel, it calmed the seas. No more rages, no more sleepless nights of horrible screams. Thank God it worked. After that she was able to talk more and I made sure her days were filled with music and lots of singing and laughter. Hope this helps someone. The cbd oil was not available then but I would have gladly tried it.

  3. My mother has also had Alzheimer's since I was 15. I hate this world… She's just 52 and I'm already 24 ✌🏼 I will soon go to research when my studies are finished to get my mother back! 😡💔

  4. Getting ready to try this with my mom, just picked some up and we're extremely hopeful. Very sad my Nana had to go through this but thankful we're going to try with my mom.

  5. How did it continue to work if I may ask ?? I treat people terminally ill or with debilitating conditions that CBD helps I'd really like to know how things went the following six months too two years

  6. If CBD and MMJ are still illegal in your state it's because you have bottom dweller PSYCHOPATHs and SOCIOPATHs as legislators in your state who don't give a rip about you or your loved ones suffering. Vote the bastards out–put in cannabis friendly intelligent caring people.

  7. I was so happy with a tear in my eye when I watched this. My poor mam and early signs, I won't let her go down the slippery slop of no where. God bless you De, For waking up.

  8. Look. Weed should be legal, but not smoking it. If you drive high, you can kill someone. Only cbd and medical weed should be legal

  9. Honestly. Is this a joke or some kind of scam? In case it isn't, the people trying to keep this away from people who suffer from Alzheimers, parkinson, cancer, autism and the list of other conditions that are seemingly treated by this kind of substance, are worse than Hitler. They are litherally killing millions of people every year, if this is not a scam.

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