Beshear considers using executive order to make medical marijuana legal in Kentucky

Beshear said he would create an advisory board that will travel across Kentucky and ask Kentuckians where they stand on …


  1. By: Bill- Kentucky NEEDS TO WATCH THIS.

    Medical marijuana from dispensaries would be much safer than Street Drugs.

    Marijuana is much safer than alcohol and prescription drugs by far.

    The usage of marijuana does not lead to suicide like alcohol and other prescription medications have.

    Prescription drugs, alcohol, and hard street drugs have killed more people than marijuana just so you know!

    As a Kentuckian, I stand for medical marijuana and recreational marijuana and distributor by dispensaries of Kentucky.

    please share


  2. Executive order to do another study. Form a focus group. You dont need the government to tell you you can have cannabis. This is all window dressing. Kentucky Senate is bought by bourbon industry and they say it will never be legal. Bourbon dont want cannabis to compete with

  3. Lets make Kentucky like California, Oregon, Colorado, Seattle! Democrat shit holes with homeless drug addicts! Are you getting desperate Beshar?

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