Bootcamp – QA: Can I Lose My Gov Health Benefits If I'm a MMJ Patient?

Chubbs and Tang talk about if you can lose your government medicare or health benefits if …


  1. That's why when you talk to your doctor and they try and prescribe the capsules instead of recommending marijuana… you decline it because the capsules will actually destroy your liver and kidneys overtime and you won't be eligible for transplants down the road… even though you're not technically smoking/vaporizing/eating weed, the capsule still makes you a patient in some sense and your medicare and welfare will be stripped away.

  2. If you are on medicare and using it for Bud I truely think that is wrong. I support Medical Marijuana but I think you should not "waste" (used loosely) your money

  3. I could see why she would be denied a transplant. I'm all for weed but ur not gunna give an somebody that drinks a new kidney. And they are pretty routine about those lists in that way

  4. @kushprophet Don't abuse the system. youre gonna ruin it for those who are legit. If youre in AZ it doesnt protect you, it's at the state level.

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