Brutally Honest Posts You Can Probably Relate To

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  1. Joce, you might want to go to a sleep lab that doesn’t t just do sleep apnea studies, but could diagnosed another sleep disorder or two. It could change your life. Not diagnosing you, but a suggestion of something you might want to investigate. I love you and hope you can soon find a good nights sleep.

  2. I found a lanyard for my room key and I am so happy. It has on it….. STAY CLASSY I had to get it. I might put STAY SASSY on the other side of it. Thank you so much Joce Love ya♥♥

  3. I can relate!!! Joce, I also have insomnia, and because I take different medications, I can’t take things like Ambien, which will literally knock you out. I took it for a few months, and within about 5 minutes, I was “dead to the world”. Some people have been known to get up from the bed, and cook, or do other things, and not remember doing it…so you have to be very careful when you first start taking it, to see how you react to it. What helps me is the prescription drug Gabapentin, and an OTC supplement called GABA. My psychiatrist recommended it to me, to help “calm my brain” so I can relax.
    I can’t stand people abbreviating words, either! My thoughts are, has our education system gotten so bad, that people have lost the ability to spell, and PROOFREAD what they write? Everything I write, I think of the person who will read my message, and consider their ability to easily understand it. My writing is ALSO a reflection on MY education. I have a college degree, and I worked hard for that diploma, so why would I PURPOSELY do something to tarnish that accomplishment?
    Oh…one more thing. My sister and I used to argue a lot when we were young, and she being almost 6 years older than myself would be “wiser”, and almost ALWAYS won the arguments. When that happened, her “saying” (which could be a meme now) to me was “You HATE to be WRONG!” (Which EVERYONE is!) Oh how I miss her (RIP)!
    Keep up the sass, Joce! This 58 year old fat gal enjoys it!!

  4. I had terrible insomnia my whole life. I literally became an alcoholic just so I could pass out and sleep, crazy I know. My doctor finally put me on trazodone and it's been a miracle drug for me. I haven't drank alcohol in almost 9 years and I sleep great now.

  5. Also, for sleep – try melatonin (chewable / gummies, etc) in higher dose for immediate sleep, and then staged / delayed release. Been a chronic insomniac my entire life and it's been a life changer. Got links and recommendations for my favourite / most affordable / tastiest products (after much trial and error). Know the struggle, more than happy to help. There are also a few little OTC medicines that can help.

  6. I cut off contact with a longtime friend over them texting "k". It was the second summer after my son went away for college and I had texted my friend if he wanted to see him while my son was home. I got the "k" reply over a week later. 😤

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