CBD oil helps goat bend her knees | baby goats say hello | soap show and workload | goat arthritis

Love the baby goats saying hello in the morning. Mrs. Streusel has been fully bending her knees to lay down. The CBD oil has …


  1. So glad the cbd is helping love the dollar sign and the broken heart im so bad with names how do you remember them all I only know 16 then I struggle and thats including the boys and sheep

  2. Streusel will have her bad days just like us humans with arthritis! Have you noticed that her bad days maybe going with the change in air pressures? I cannot remember if you ever stated you have some arthritis, or not, I think you are too young yet!! I'm am very happy her body is accepting the CBD and can keep cost down for you guys!!! Happy Weekend!!! 🤗♥️🙏🏼

  3. This bunch of babies are so smart! You tell Mississippi that she’s gorgeous and she nods in agreement. You say where’s gizmo and he literally jumps up to make sure you see him😂 everybody is getting so big! Even tiny Dory aka Drumstick! 🐿️✨💕

  4. I’m so pleased the cbd is working for Streusel.🙏🏻 There’s a fantastic injection that is given in the afflicted joints that cushion them. It acts like a slow release lubricant and lining. It would be worth talking to your vet about because it really is fantastic. It’s long lasting in horses that are severely lame and is life altering. It would work alongside the cbd beautifully. ❤ It’s $250 for a horse so would be a lot cheaper for a goat to have treatment. Definitely worth enquiring.
    The other thing I wanted to mention was knee replacement surgery. We do it for our domesticated pets without question. There are enough followers here that could donate to cover surgery costs for Streusel. I for one would be very happy to donate and I know most of your subscribers would too. Could this be an option for your girl Shawn? 🙏🏻❤️

  5. Good luck at the show. Streusel looks nice and relaxed there glad the oil is working .maybe I will try some… I laugh every time I see the goat swing lol it’s so cute to see them hang. Love to see the babies when u let them out.

  6. So glad that Streusel is doing so much better! When you let the babies out it reminds me of all the crazy people out shopping the day after Thanksgiving trying to be the first one to get the deal of the day! 😂😂😂

  7. Hey guys I just love you guys so much I really do I would love to come and visit with y'all and love on the babies I had a stroke 3 yrs ago and now I can't really do anything anymore but I can comment on the video and watch the video i really love to watch the video every day

  8. It is wonderful to hear that Streusel is responding well to the treatments you are giving her. I'm sure she will have days that are not as good as others, that comes with the nature of her condition. But hopefully the meds will give her many more good days to enjoy on Zion Creek Farm.
    It just dawned on me that Miss Sweet Mississippi is the line from All My Rowdy Friends. How perfect for your crew of rowdy friends of ZCF!!!!
    Thanks for sharing and stay safe!!!

  9. Do you make all of your Goats Milk soap with coconut oil? Do you know if anyone makes it without coconut oil?
    I am so allergic to coconut, all melons, banana, tree nuts, lavender. Well the list goes on…. a few years ago I had stopped and talked to someone that was selling it and when I asked questions about it they said well it sucks to be you. Anyway I never asked again. It would be nice to know. 🙏❣🙏❣ 🙏 another wonderful vlog 💋❣

  10. MY goodness how much they have grown… That baby swing just has me laughing so much.. you are a great team, that's how y'all get stuff done…I think Gingi needs a scratching post 🙂 ….I need to try that CBD Oil for my arthritis … care to share where to get it ???

  11. Hi Shawn. I'm so happy for Streusel. I know there's still bad days, but I saw her knees bent right away. That's wonderful. The swinging goat weigh-in was cute. I can't believe our little Gizzy is already going in with the boys. Seems like yesterday he was this darling baby boy with the cutest ears. And our sweetheart Pres.Snow too. Ugh. Too soon. But I know it's time. Good luck with the show. I hope it goes great. Take care and hugs to all.

  12. It is always fun the see the babes in the morning. Strusel is looing well. As you said. There are good days and bad days. We as humans as well. Than you for sharing. Love and Blessings to you all. Doris, Penrith 🇦🇺🦘 ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

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