Hemp Powered Car debuts in Washington, DC

Biodiesel from hempseed powered car rolls out at the 2001 NORML conference in Washington, DC., with tour from the owners.


  1. This is why reefer madness was created back in the thirties to portray a cannabis user as if they were an opioid addict in withdrawal . Just to stop Henry Ford's hemp car and other progress that would have put dents and all of the Big wigs dirty businesses of the time pharmaceuticals, energy, wood logging paper etccc . Hemp makes better batteries and there is also hempcrete

  2. Does the exhaust still small like weed? More importantly would this create a false positive for drug dogs? I know the exhaust wouldn't get you high or anything being from the hemp seed oil but it is still from the same plant and thus might have the same smell.

  3. It was not the oil companies, it was the timber industry because at that time, hemp was a VERY cheap alternative to wood for making things like paper. Oil was used for nothing more than kerosene lamps back then. They threw away gasoline until they realized they could use it for internal combustion engines.

  4. but even with that, it would be expensive as hell to produce that much hemp so those companies should shut the fuck up and legalize it already. It's going to happen. They can't fucking stop it.

  5. Its first prohibition was to allow Nylon a chance in the market. True Fact. Though, Hemp does impose a threat to a lot of synthetic products as well as the Lumber and Oil industries. Truely, it effects the big 3; Oil, Lumber and Pharmaceuticals. It will never be legal in this country till the people take it back from their oppressors.

  6. actually it was the wood industry, hemp can make the strongest and longlasting paper, far better than wood paper. this industry supported the anti-hemp marketing during those days. as far as known there was no oil industry in involved, unless they did in 'secret'. ^^

  7. @IFlick I'm assuming you're one of those people who believes the law is just in its decisions just because it's the law. Not too long ago, it was illegal for a black man to sit in the front seat of a bus. Would you be defending that? And Texas is on the border of Mexico. It's a hot-spot for illegal trafficking of drugs much more potent,and including, marijuana. For this reason, their tolerance level tends to be very low. They don't want to be the ones responsible for letting people through.

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