Hot Press Molding Hemp Casein Plastic

How to use the hemp plastic we made in a previous video – I am afraid the full details on how to make this are in the members’ …


  1. Yet again, another appropriate tech/sustainable material approach from you Rob. I've watched this video previously but saw it again today and though your approach was great. I've watched other bioplastic videos of yours and if you ever get a chance please could you make a video showing how you might tune/tweak the same base material to get different properties. I'm really interested in how these materials might substitute for existing fossil fuel/inorganic ones. How would we tune this to mimick hard thick plastic, or something more flexible, or something more like a thin film. I know the broad answer is addition of various amounts of plasticiser and things like that but would love to see you doing this as it makes it much clearer than trying to piece this together from scattered info. One base material, taken in three different directions, to replace different modern materials and uses. When you're not busy doing the vast amount of other stuff you're always doing of course ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Robert , I was involved in my dadโ€™s business of custom molding for ten years where we did injection molding and transfer and compression molding . The business itself was in business for 48 years in Southern California servicing the air a space, medical and commercial industries. I worked with many types of fiber filled polymers where we would pre dry the material in industrial ovens and microwave ovens before molding in either heated compression or transfer molds . I am interested to know more about your experience with the carbonized hemp fibers that you have been working on and would like to contact you to maybe ask a few questions.

  3. What's old is new again… maybe biotech will make casein cheap enough in the near future. it 's what we used before petroleum products. maybe it will be cheap enough to be what we use after?

  4. Love your videos… love your work…. hate "I'm afraid the full details on how to make this are in the members' area!" Please put a link or a searchable title….. Please ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Robert! Thank you for youโ€™re
    work with this. I havenโ€™t seen you discuss this revolutionary topic of hemp batteries in years. How can I follow more of your hemp battery journey?

  6. Love your experiments and your videos and your knowledge I'm just curious with this hemp made plastic did you ever think of doing videos of trying to destruct it by means of soaking it in water or showing its hardness scale or flexibility and possible practical uses?

  7. ………but can you homogeneously embed graphene into it ? …For Ww2 in Paris my mother mentioned once that they melted the handles of umbrellas for food . It was casein …..In the late 1800s , paper mache was perhaps the plastic of the day.

  8. @Robert Murray-Smith on that's brilliant! I'm sold… But, hard as stone you say? Are we talking stopping bullets like kevlar/aramid… Because I'm 100% interested in seeing how this performs as armour in stopping bullets.

  9. Hi Robert. If you add borax and urea to your casein it will have water resistance. Hope it helps. You have given me so much info. Itโ€™s been around for 100 of years.

  10. Edison used so many different carbons before the days of our petroleum plastics, Henry Ford was always so fascinated with his research, they would talk for hours and worked together on environmental issues. It's so good to see the research continuing, thanks Rob. … You need a Henry! … Imagine having to depend only on bakelite. Bakelite Museum in Williton, Somerset, England.

  11. Someone had already said it but brilliant was the first word that came to my mind as well. And your timing is impeccable (personally) as it coincides with something I'm working on. And may all the good you put out come back to you soon as you better this planet, thank you brother

  12. Love your candor regarding your methodology. It's refreshing and I'm quite sure it helps many of your viewers overcome their concerns about "doing it wrong" or "messing it up".

  13. Excellent video Robert,very"impressed".
    Now,I'm wondering about one thing.
    Has this been tested with mice?.
    This question may seem strange to you,but the reason why I'm asking this is because hemp being plant based,tends to draw rodents.
    In the automotive industry,their is a serious problem with mice eating the wiring in cars.The wiring now days uses soy based coating on the wires,being also plant based,again,draws rodents and has caused many major electrical fires.

  14. Brilliant as always Robert ๐Ÿ‘
    Is your heat press fixed to that bench or is it a matter of as long as there's a plug socket close enough?
    I ask because I was thinking about relocating it next to your hydraulic press. ๐Ÿค”

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