How To Make Cannabis Infused Chocolate Truffles (Marijuana Ganache Balls): Cannabasics #81

Learn How To Make Cannabis Infused Chocolate Truffles with Marijuana Ganache today on Cannabasics #81 Chocoley …


  1. if I already have thc oil thats around 90% whats the percentage of coconut oil and lecithin I need to use per gram of oil to dilute it so i can make it mix or stick better to the chocolate?

  2. There are no reviews of this recipe so I will leave one:

    The decarb process makes a strong smell so be aware of that. I used 5 grams and it seemed to be all soaked up by the butter. I added the vanilla when I made the ganache mixture step (the video doesn't tell you when to add it).

    Make sure the butter is melted, the cream is very hot, and break up your chocolate into smaller pieces so that it all melts as quickly as possible. I used the chocolate disks as-is and had a few chunks that didnt completely melt. I wish I would have crushed it up in a bag first. You only get one shot at making it silky smooth!

    I used a teaspoon as a scoop and made about 45 chocolates. When it comes to edibles I would rather eat less than too much. The ones in this video look like big meat balls, so I went for something smaller. They are difficult to roll into balls because the ganache will start to melt almost right away from the warmth of your hands. I scooped mine into teaspoon chunks on a baking tray with parchment, froze them on the tray, and then rolled into perfect balls once frozen so they were easier to work with. Dipped each ball into chocolate and freeze again to make sure everything set.

    Note that in Canada heavy cream is the same as whipping cream. I also recommend using a rubber spatula during this recipe to scrape your oils from the bowls.

  3. So just 35 mg each? I like truffles, but I gotta stop myself after eating three. I don't think I'd catch much of a buzz from these.
    And why not skip the de-carb in the oven step? It will de-carb just fine during the infusion step. Just give it 90 minutes instead of 60.

  4. Love the video!!! Just a tip. If you use clarified butter (ghee) you can skip the clarification step. I buy ghee at the Indian market and get the cheapest price. Keep making videos!!!

  5. I will eventually end up doing this I have been watching your videos and started to experiment with my own way of doing things and I must admit I've gotten good

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