Industrial Hemp: transformation for NC agriculture? | Jack Whitley | TEDxGreensboro

Hemp, a long banned crop in the US, has great potential for North Carolina agriculture. Like the peanut, hemp has many uses in …


  1. Let’s go America ! Better get in now. When California was going through prop 215 for recreational there were more Chinese investors taking notes sitting in the room during some of these meetings of state and city/county guidelines for cultivation/ transportation/ lab permit for processing & testing. I was intrigued. The funny thing is I also brought a China Man with my wife and I to one of these functions. I think he was as less shocked as I was to see who actually showed up in numbers. He later shared some information with me that just confirmed I was at the right place at the right time and was where I was suppose to be. The man I/ we invited was very interesting. Very educated and successful CEO of a manufacturing company in China. among some other business will get into that later . Anyway this guy way out of my league so at first I was being cautious of being myself but once we broke the ice I felt more comfortable because I felt he was being very receptive. After the city meeting we went to lunch and I had to ask where he thought the best Chinese place to eat was where we lived in Temecula California home to So. Cals wineries. Anyways if you made it this far and would like me to keep continuing with one of my many experiences just say so and thanks for reading. First time I have ever typed this out or even shared it and was kind of therapeutic . Peace and love

  2. Sir, you should learn about the triterpenes in the roots!! Parkinson's patients find all kinds of relief from their tremors as do neuropathy patients. Please learn more!!! We are all about the healing at Albany's Canna Kitchen & Research. Prayers up!

  3. Smaller amounts then the bongs or the current hashish that is being called marijuana.etc. There are different strains. Different strengths. Just like hemp to hashish. I do not know what makes that my research did not extend that far. It isn't my interest as I do not like to fell vulnerable. Or excessively high or not in total control. I am a control freak by nature. Not something I can help but being.

  4. I am not sure what high I am supposed to get out of amoxicillin.? A sugar high? I can eat chocolate for that and gain additional beneficial results. So why would I support marijuana? Tylenol? Amoxicillan etc if that is only objective? Pain management? Nuerology? The central nervous system? Etc. There are differences and different results. They hype about marijuana is not factual. It is not hallucinations with just plain marijuana or any of the false reports associated. Alot of things that got mixed in with marijuana propaganda. ETC.

  5. Cbs. I tried it one time I had heart attack symptoms. I tried it a second time 2 weeks later, the same results. Increased emotion. It did not act on the nervous system the same way as marijuana. Those vested in cbs will say because of a high. There is a way to use marijuana without the quote unquote high. Just most people do not accept my answers including but not limited to the mayo study. I have in excess of 40 yrs of actual compiled information actual studies and research aside from those that believe the hype about laced marijuana. ETC. It does not benefit me either way. Monetarily or otherwise to not give facts in regards to the health care and my condition. Unlike others driven by investment. My interests quality of life unlike others.

  6. Great presentation. Thank you. However, who can farmers sell their product to in America? Living in Indiana, i see corn, wheat, and soybeans, sold to local grain elevators who then sell it to various companies. How would hemp farmers be able to sell their product?

  7. WHEN did PLANTS naturally OCCURING materials become PATENTABLE suspect FARCE FRAUD FABRICATION blatant LIES by CORRUPTED Patent Office Employees Politician ETC. {"POST copy of ALLEGED PATENT include TEXT and pending NUMBER asap"} THANKS in ADVANCE for ADDRESSING Matter Issue Topic CONCERNS STATED?


    Your CYBER ATTACK proves I am doing my job. THANK YOU.

    I could of just kept quiet and just created GOLD filling my bank account, but that would of been SELFISH ! I was returned to 'restore' EARTH, not get rich. Growing HEMP will restore earth, atmosphere, humanity, economy.

    The HOLY SPIRIT told me that explaining about atoms will help restore my brain.

    Boiling water proves that heat excites molecules that allows atoms to boil and escape. All things in life are made of ATOMS that bond into MOLECULES that creates matter. It is a matter of understanding the stages that 'heat' will do to ATOMS.

    There is a CREATOR that is sexless. The word GOD is man made for control of 'humanity'.

    It was not a question of believing my meditation but 'understanding' it. That is why I did what MOSES had them do in the BIBLE. I 'drank' MONATOMIC GOLD.


    Alright I have tried the SPIRITUAL side to get word out, now it is MANS way;

    My grandfather was a certified genius with 156 IQ that ran the PANAMA CANAL ZONE for the military until 1958 and can be looked up. ( Co. George W. Bland Sr.).

    My IQ was 148 when was 17.

    I wrecked my Harley giving me a 5.5 TBI that THC is restoring.

    I figured if THC is restoring my brain injury the way I say it is and if I am as smart as the IQ test says then I should be able to figure out how GOLD formed to 'prove' healing.

    I DID ! But they CYBER ATTACK ME !

    Government kills, GOD 'heals'.


    CREATORS 'healing' warrior.

    Because I was not believed I did a SPIRITUAL MEDITATION where I was shown how GOLD formed to show TRUTH.

    Copper melts at 1800F but the 'atoms' must be brought to a boil, that is at 3500F. There can't be any oxygen because will put pressure against atoms blocking escape. Melted BORAX will do this as long covering copper. In 100 hours 100 atoms will escape leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD.

    Only GOD can return me from 'death'

  9. Phytoremediation properties is something everyone should know about. If that doesn't change your mind about industrial hemp then nothing will. There is just to much information for me to cover it in a youtube comment. If you don't know you need to research it. I won't knock Jack Whitley for not covering it because for some inexplicable reason nobody does.

  10. Thc and cbd and the hundreds of other cannabinoids are synergistic. Saying that thc is JUST an intoxicant is a huge mistake. Properly combined the intoxication by thc can be dramatically reduced or even eliminated by high cbd levels. Neither one works for most things alone as well as combined. Labeling thc as an intoxicant is not just a mistake it's a harmful piece of misinformation that is harmful to the movement that you are trying to promote. Separating thc from cbd and hemp from marijuana is/was only helpful for persuading stonchy conservatives to allow cultivation by this reclassification. After that there is nothing useful in feeding people nonsense about thc being JUST an intoxicant.

  11. I've seen several TED talks about industrial hemp, and I have to comment that this is the best one yet. Very clear and concise data presented. I really hope more people become passionate about making America the number one industrial hemp producer and innovator, but we're so behind in comparison to other nations. This is such a great opportunity to revitalize our production/manufacturing industry.

  12. thank you this topic very important.this was a illegal.because some petrol company want it.because hemp is best biooil is very effective if we develope the hemp for biooil.they are dont make money.

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