1. I should have the right to decide my pain management, instead of giving me addictive pills and patches. I literally can't eat for long periods of time because of my pain. We have no other choice but to use opioids, and it's not fair! It's just marijuana….Even Alchohol is addictive. Weed is the safest NON addictive way for pain management. Please give people the chance to choose the obvious safest way for help.

  2. Welcome to the corrupt Republican Reefer Madness Extravaganza! – Don't be bothered by facts or science or anyone on the side of medical marijuana. We're just here to show you our behinds! – Aren't they lovely?

  3. This would not only boost our economy but it will drive down illegal sales that are NOT taxed and a complete loss for our state in terms of revenue, the committee is totally biased about this issue because they lived through the Reefer Madness bull, that's how old their thinking is, we need fresh minds in our government leadership, we need people who haven't literally lived more than half a human lifetime to keep up with modern medicine and technology

  4. Do you have any idea how much tax revenue you are losing? Everyone I know goes to Colorado for weed. We need it since you've made health care impossible.

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