Kinda Sorta Disrespectful? Ft. Fannita || Two Hot Takes Podcast || Reddit Reactions

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Fannita Leggett! This episode features stories that feel a little …


  1. Please have Fannita on every episode! I love how she says exaclty how she feels about every situation without any hesitation on what other people may think of her opinion. Everyone is too concerned about what everyone else will think and it was refreshing seeing someone give honest answers instead of the same old beauty pageant answers most people on youtube give now a days!

  2. I am pregnant and if someone yelled that at me and my baby when we inevitably go out to restaurants, airplanes, etc, I would threaten to squirt breastmilk in his food. OR I would start breastfeeding and make unbreaking eye contact with him. What an asshole.

  3. Yo the way that man would have eaten his teeth if he yelled at me and my child? I may have ignored it, but like she said, my husband would never and it seems that man would have escalated the situation past verbal…

  4. The one about kicking the son's GF out of the house was a roller coaster for me. At first I understood why the mom would be upset, but didn't think it was worth kicking them out. I was glad they resolved it. But then to know the son was the one encouraging the crude joke, and didn't have the balls to say so until after the girlfriend had to apologize on her own? How is it, that in a story that was about a mother versus her son's girlfriend, at the end it turns out that the guy was the asshole all along? As usual.

    On the subject of emotional cheating vs sexual, as a guy I think I'd have similar tolerances for both, in that rather than me being mad they both require us to have pivotal discussions. For sexual, I'd probably be more annoyed about my significant other having sex with others and potentially bringing any STI's home my way, which I'd probably murder them for. Plus I'd be annoyed if all their sensual energy was being placed into someone else to where they don't have any left for me (if they're limited like that). But beyond that, sex is whatever.
    For emotional however; I'm less likely to be mad about it, I'd just want the person to be honest up front. Cause it's not always easy to get truly emotionally involved with someone to where that love is potentially the better love of their life. If my significant honestly loved someone else that much, then they should just be with that person instead. I won't be angry if they had a couple intimate interactions to realize it, but once they do they shouldn't feel afraid or guilty. (With me at least).
    If they're not even confident enough to propose that what they actually want is an open relationship, then I'd break up with them more as a favor to them at that point. Cause even though I may be hurt/jealous, they need to be honest about how they live. In my opinion if someone cheats, they should be the one ending the relationship outright. It's what should have been done before the cheating started, so at least own it and end it immediately after. Problem is, dudes are emotional cowards. They don't have the balls to end one relationship to pursue another, so you just gotta do it for them.

  5. Really happy to see that people like Morgan’s guest choice this time around. It really sucks seeing so many hateful comments about guests in previous videos. Super funny episode, love the conversations between them

  6. Wow, apparently I have the hot take on this one but I wasn't a fan of Fannita being on the show. Everyone likes that she just says what she feels and is honest, but I prefer the more thoughtful answers other guests give. She definitely has a great personality, no shade, but I feel that she answered a lot based on her own personal experiences, not really putting herself in the place of the actual OPs. I get how that can be more of a "hot take" but I prefer the discussions other people bring to the table.

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