Lawmakers to address cannabis reform on 4/20

Lawmakers are marking 4/20, the unofficial marijuana holiday, by holding the National Cannabis Policy Summit with business …


  1. If legal marihuana keeps growing eventualy all the offer cost would be cheaper than illegal sellers and the illegal market will decline a lot because they dont have quality cotrol like pesticides fungus etc and legal marihuana would be cheaper and safer for people and thats the way legal marihuana would win over peoole good organic stuff free of poisons versus illegal risk . Anyhow marihuana have always exist from ancient times as medicine and would always exists from times to come no matter is legal or illegal because is a plant from this plane andt its inocent . So its time to do something good of it . Nowone could end it would always exist.

  2. Crazy, how out of the sudden the president needs congress to pass reform but he has the power to bail out the banks and send billions over seas. He needs to "work" with congress to pass reform where in 37 states is being use already. Like I said, Crazy! 🤯

  3. I lean solidly to the right on the political spectrum and I think it should be legalized. Why is it even a fight? An argument could be raised that alcohol is more dangerous yet it is completely accepted.

  4. Come on Australia get with the project, then all those cops could do real police work , my dad let my brother and I smoke pot since early 70s , thats life , he was a cop 🌟

  5. The plants in this vid look unhealthy could be beter better looked after, the curled downward leaves show that the soil is too wet, the burned tips of the leaves are caused by too much nutrients.
    There were also some nice looking plants👍

  6. Apparently the Democratic party thinks the P.I.N.O. can do things without Congress. He does what they tell him to do or say. So yes what she just said at the end of the video is a lie.

  7. No fungi,plant,bush or tree should ever be illegal. Especially not medicinal ones. The more natural medicines growing in our gardens and throughout the country , the stronger our country is. It's one of the most critical supplies that we immediately turn towards if we are hurt,face random hardships, or are invaded and attacked right here at home.
    It's truly an issue of national security, besides being a basic freedom.

    Having naturally growing things with medicinal properties around us and in our ecosystem also helps a lot of other species we share this earth with. They too would have more tools to help themselves with and would absolutely begin utilizing them the moment they were available. Or in the least, start figuring out their value and either help spread them, or ignore them and let all the other species figure it out for themselves too. We should have a choice.

  8. America legalized Cannabis Sativa to defend our country during World War II.

    Watch the 1942 USDA film, Hemp for Victory.
    The federal license to grow Cannabis that is shown in the video reads: PRODUCER OF MARIHUANA

  9. Come on congress wake up the war on weed is over. There are more people smoking the stuff then there is police officers in all of USA. You can't stop them all it's only going to get worse with bootlegging. I can't even find a job a cause I have a single charge of Marijuana

  10. Eh I started smoking regularly when it was legal in Canada it causes depression and schizophrenia over time ended up losing my job, ect, people obsess over weed but it's not as good for you as you think but narcissistic people would disagree because they haven't smoked tons of it a day for years not to mention people drive like morons in my town all drive 20mph because they're all fking stoned

  11. Only laws that get anywhere cater to the alphabet community.
    Why would they change a law that allow them to incarcerate certain people, and revert them back to slaves!?
    That’s why they are dropping like flies in their own communities from overdosing.

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