1. I think they want fresh green and new borders on a grassground or garden. San Bruno California, why did you not there to put out a new couple of pregnant guinea pigs ? We have problems with paying fast for big city humans mothers who makes happy.

  2. Ask the vet if the female piggies if they can use ueral for humans who gets bladder infection as you can get one with cranberry in it as I have used it on my pet rats and it help my first female rat who had a bladder infection when I got her from a pet shop

  3. i would have double checked that cage out front, based on the flooring being scrunched up. Hopefully your right and there was no guinea pigs in it ! Why people do that I don't know! It's filthy and gross.

  4. I wish i can help. So sorry 😢. Im in NY. But in the country. I guess im helping i have 9 piggies. I adopted a pregnant one. Thank you and everyone 4 all u do!!!!😊❤

  5. 🐹📢 WHEEK WHEEK I hope Podrick will enjoy his new friend. Thank you for rescuing my fellow pig from that pet store. It makes me sad knowing the condition of the piggy. I keeps him in My Wheeks and sends positive wheeks. I am a fortunate piggy, because my hoomin got a proper guinea pig education from you. Thank you hoomin. ~ Nacho

  6. 00:00 The live begins with Saskia who shows us some new babies that will hopefully find new homes soon. Than she shows us her Buddha boys & some other pigs around the garage.
    4:33 Saskia takes us to the heath check tent. Where Volunteer Valerie and staff member Annie are doing health checks. Saskia said they had volunteers visiting her for 3 days while they were in town visiting all the way from Michigan. It was a graduation present. What an awesome present❗💯 Saskia tells us She is short on help today and her arm is still in pain, but she does have a surgery date set June 2nd. We are all hoping the best that your arm will feel much better Sass💕💪

    8:54 Saskia tells us her friend Linda and her husband will be having a live on FB for their rescue. Saskia talks to a customer who brought her piggy in for a health check
    18:12 Saskia heads up front where it appears someone dropped off a cage. Luckily it didn't have guinea pigs in it. Than she heads to the health check tent and a piggy she is looking at has some bladder stones so Saskia talks to the customers about a possible urinary tract infection or if possible bladder stones. Saskia tells them they need to have their piggy X-rayed. Saskia has a vet Dr.Nenn that comes to her rescue twice a month and the customer wants to take her pig to Dr.Nenn. Saskia talks to us for a few minutes answering questions.

    34:04 Saskia takes us to the garage to look at some babies piggies with their mommies. She feeds them Romaine lettuce and bell pepper. Saskia's arm is in too much pain for her to forage for grass.
    55:58 Saskia returns and splits the pepper in half than she moves a few of the babies.
    1:02:46 Camera drop. 🎥 Than Saskia talks to use while they move guinea pigs around.
    1:18:14 Saskia talks to us about calcified Bulla syndrome and how you can adopt a piggy from there with it, but Only the high functioning one's. She also talks to us about her Buddha boys and calcified bulla syndrome and how her Buddha boys all have it. She explains how it affects everything and what she does for them.

    1:22:31 Saskia has to step away again after talking to us a bit. She is short on help today. So we have cute piggies to watch in the meantime.💯🐹🐹
    1:41:18 Saskia returns and takes us around the garage to see different pigs while talking to us.
    1:45:09 Sass Starts to wrap things up. She says she will be here Next Wheekend, May 27th But may or may not be on June 3rd as she is having surgery to fix her arm June 2nd❗
    1:47:14 Saskia starts saying her Goodnight's. A Huge Thank You To Saskia for taking the time to both entertain and educate us every Saturday even when you're not feeling 💯❗Also a huge Thank you to all Staff members, Volunteers, Moderators, for making this possible. Thank You to all Donors and Everyone who participate in Today's live stream. Have a great rest of your Wheekend. Did you know everything you see Saskia use. She has links for in the video description ❓It's True. Saskia has links for everything you need to care for your guinea pigs as well as links to Lots other really cool stuff. Check it out. 👀👍💯🐹🐹

  7. Hat die Valerie ein schönes Schweinchen gezeigt . Guten Abend liebe Saskia und dem Team und allen süßen Meerschweinchen ! Ich bin70 Jahre alt und habe 60Jahre Schweinchen an meiner Seite . Liebe Grüße aus Germany von Eleonore .

  8. Saskia see you next week means Wir sehen uns nächste Woche.
    Sehr gut dein Deutsch!
    Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für deine Operation und dass es dir danach viel besser geht. Die Piggie Family denkt an dich. Gute Besserung! Get well soon my Dear! 💐 Dr. Nenn ist dein Doktor. 😉

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