Meeting the Wizard of Oz (Rant)

This channel is to promote deep thinking, it’s not intended to provoke negative thoughts or self harm Thank you for taking the …


  1. Thanks alot man, i think about the same things and have since age 10~ also. The thing is once you/we start questioning things you inevitably question more and go down the rabbit hole; its basically impossible to stop.

    Then you try to bring up topics with friends or family, say throwing a tid bit out there/a fishing hook and you are disappointed realizing they had never questioned anything and basically brush off what youre saying etc… go back to surface stuff like reality tv and 9-5 and whats their next vacation (to cope although they dont realize it) then you realize you cant save people from the Matrix. All we can do is have material out there so when they arrive by some random occurence or partial questioning, some of these people will open their eyes a bit and keep delving into it all.

    Life is better when you actually accept reality though, I can honestly say I'm happier and more content than when i was fully unaware and while i was flaying in purgatory after seeing a few cracks! Accepting reality brings on the next step of tempering your expectations and keeping your sense of humour and laughing at everything cynically but also intelligently, no wonder we'd like say George Carlin and Norm MacDonald etc. – πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  2. The only good sheep is a black sheep, great video. We need to start something like a fraternal organization that centers on these things. Increase each others knowledge and even push for change

  3. The 4th ammendment just like the others are Bullshit because, (probable cause) is a way for trained kaw enforcement to get around it. The (probable cause) is your word against there's. The judge in most cases will back the enforcement. Every ammendment has a catch 22, especially the first 10. It's all Bullshit!!!!

  4. if you have no money there is no healthcare for you. in fact, you get nothing but the trash you can find. if by any chance you run out of luck and end up homeless, no one gives a F, not even the $stupid government that, in some countries, is so worried about declining birth rate. you become trash under a bridge. a country is a business and they need slaves. as long as the majority are good slaves the business will continue. the minority that gets the short end of the stick, does not matter because they are a minority. keep creating more slaves for the system, it needs them. forced into existence, then forced to be part of their damn F system. F this crap. the only way to be completely free is not to be here.

  5. the thing with the military is that you will have to kill other people, i do not want to kill anybody. of course, you can also get killed, that can be a positive or negative depending on the person and, do not forget the training, waking up in the middle of the night, no sleep, really hard physical training. they train you like someone would train an attack dog. follow orders and shut up, if you do not, go to prison. no way in hell I am doing that $hit. but of course, the majority of people are well trained, they have been trained to go and kill when they are told to do it because of $tupid crap like flags and national anthems, because of pledge of allegiance. the concept of country, patriotism and nationalism is just retarded. that crap is another religion and people kill in the name of that crap.

  6. i really hate how they put you in this place, no questions asked and then they expect you to just accept everything without questioning, without complaining. they expect you to follow and accept what you are told. they expect you to just agree that this crap is some kind of paradise. how do they even dare to demand all the things they demand from you as if you asked to be put in this place, as if you signed a damned paper saying you wanted to be here. how do they dare to demand anything from you. it is irrational. believe what we tell you to believe, do as we tell you to do. if you do not, there is something wrong with you, you are officially sick. kinda like in religion.

  7. Humanity will eventually go extinct when the sun turns into a re giant and engulfs mercury,Venus and earth so why prolong the inevitable.Just stop having kids.

  8. i was watching a video and the guy said, nobody said life was going to be easy. I say, sure, and nobody said life was going to be hard either. actually, nobody said a damn thing. we just appear here, in this damn place, because 2 idiots were too horny to think and we are supposed to just submit to this system, to this crap. submit and shut up. do as you are told and do not complain. get the F out

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