Ohio Family Moves to Colorado for Daughter's Medical Marijuana | Weed Revolution

Adam and Heather Benton uprooted their lives to move across the country this April to provide their daughter, Addyson, with …


  1. Who in the hell does the government think they are? Look, you'll not be granted one right that you don't stand up for with your neighbor. This problem exists because people do not overwhelm the government. This should be taken by force. That God damn well taken away from us by force!

  2. As the state I live in its very sad to hear about this and seeing this almost two years later our steps in the "right direction" have been minuscule to what they could be at if we really put our effort into this. Its so sad and disappointing.

  3. If I was in a legal state and I had a grow op Going on I would never let this family spend a dime on their medicine. I would not want to make money of a little girl like that

  4. CBD is the Cure.

    but CBD compound works most effectively when it's combined with low doses of THC in the Hemp oil itself.

    the government has a patent on CBD from 2006 I encourage all of you to look it up and do your research and it's not hard to find it's very easy and the information is available on Google just by simply doing a basic search

  5. Legalization may not be a good thing if one company gets to monopolize the whole system and charge a fortune. Instead it should be completely decriminalized so that anybody can grow it and use it as they see fit. (Just like tomatoes.)

  6. if only politicians and people would listen…they're hard-headed and always want the last word like bill o'reilly, hopefully one day it will be legalized nationwide πŸ™‚

  7. Aren't a lot of pot advocates against the current bill? They don't want one company having a monopoly on the whole business. Can I get some clarification on this?

  8. NOTE THIS:Β  In the commercial promoting legalization of marijuana in Ohio, the mother claims the girl was having over 1000 seizures a day Β – here she's claiming it was 100 a day.Β  Am I the only one that has picked up on this?Β  Β In a 24 hour day, there are only 1440 minutes.

  9. Incredible. Thanks for sharing. I've worked to legalize cannabis since 1991 knowing that it was critical medicine for people (including me) and this story makes so many afternoons lobbying worthwhile.

  10. the cannabis and hemp revolution is coming brothers and sisters, no longer can special interest hold back the tsunami that is truth.

  11. Everybody is so careful to reiterate that there's no THC in it, so she can't get high. Β As if that would be dangerous. Β They have to though because of the perception of the ignorant public. Β I'm glad Addyson is doing better. Β Being from Ohio, I'd like to move too.

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