Oklahoma votes against legalizing recreational marijuana

Voters in Oklahoma decided Tuesday not to legalize the possession and growth of recreational marijuana in the state, having …


  1. Old Tex and his Okie buddies are just gonna have to keep getting it the old fashioned way. Trust me it’s a lot cheaper the old fashioned way✌️❤️

  2. Way to go Oklahoma. Keep it illegal like the morons you are. Because why would you want your state to bring in tens of millions in revenue each year?

    I love the hypocrisy here. Can’t smoke a joint and just chill out. But we can sure drink until we beat our spouses and slam into a telephone pole. Nice 👍🏻

  3. FYI 2A is not for hunting deer it's to maintain our status of independence against a tyrannical oppressive government that targets individuals over the smell of Marijuana if they wanna play tyrannical games they can win patriotic prizes at over 1000ft per sec freedom isn't free we to can play judge jury and executioners

  4. They do this, because of the $Fees to get the card. So they will be actually losing money. With recreational cannabis legal they would have made more, much more upon their own investment. Remember BOENERS Words, you better get in now…..That is when the profits were 12 billion per year.

  5. Because old people have their medical problems paid for by us so why would they need alternative medicine. Once you hit 50 you shouldn’t be allowed to vote for things like this.

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