1. Some of Jason's funniest moments – except he thinks he's serious about himself – are when he pretends to be a grown-up actual man and threatens people with glow in the dark toys.🤣🤣🤣Rock 'em Soc 'em RevBot🤪🤪🤪

  2. These two are always chasing a high. I just hope the kids can lead normal lives after the damage they inflicted.
    Love your videos & watched you every night on repeat. But Ill have to skip the Breezy streams.😊

  3. The only other violent crime that charlie manson was convicted of, by his own hand, was cutting off a drug dealer's ear off. So there are people who believe that because he didn't actually kill anyone with his own hand, that he was innocent. (which is also up for dispute as it is, has charged but never convinced in one case)

  4. The only other violent crime that charlie manson was convicted of, by his own hand, was cutting off a drug dealer's ear off. So there are people who believe that because he didn't actually kill anyone with his own hand, that he was innocent. (which is also up for dispute as it is, has charged but never convinced in one case)

  5. Shanny and rev are both addicts. They can deny it all they want. I never believed for a minute that they are on Delta. Definitely something else.

  6. Shanny is a "trash can" addict, she will consume ANYTHING that will get her high in some way. Also WOW I can't believe the audacity & entitlement of Rev to ask someone for $10,000!

  7. I've taken kratom for years & the reaction you're seeing from them is NOT kratom. Once in awhile, you will feel a bit of an opiate tingle in the brain but for the most part, there's not a high associated with it. No jaw grinding, no idiotic behavior. You will vomit if you take too much (don't ask how i know 😅). I have pretty severe arthritis in my back & my knee is in need of a replacement. Opiates destroyed my life, kratom & hard work, has given it back.

  8. Kratom saved my life. I have worked at the same job 20 yrs. I'm 38. Ive never been a junkie but I had serious addiction to h and pharmaceuticals. When I had my first daughter I had to stop if course. It was so hard and I think about a pill every day. But the all natural kratom fills that craving. It doesn't get me very high. But it takes the edge off, everything has abuse potential but it saved my marriage and I'm a "good" father. I drink it in the morning with my coffee and work. Of course it's ideal to have no habits. But for ppl that need it, it is a great plant. Sorry I'm long winded. I just wanted to take up for kratom lol. It's kept me away from any chemical for 10 yrs. I'm thankful for it

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