Steven Crowder Responds to BACKLASH Over Leaked Video – Jesse Ventura's Testimony On Weed | 1184

Join Ben & Billy for episode 1184! Tonight, we’ll take a look at Steven Crowder’s response to the backlash over a leaked video, …


  1. I so badly want to go on a bearded dragon proper care autism rant here, but I know that’s pointless. It’s pretty obvious, read up on your pets, don’t just do what Cobra does. Thank you.

  2. 1:03:40 Billy! You got this weight loss thing buddy! At my heaviest i was over 650lbs. It took a long time, and a lot of yoyoing, but i finally reached my goal! I got down to 300lbs, but i hated how i felt and looked. So i've been putting on muscle and i'm around 330lbs now.
    If i can do it, you can too! Us "talls" have to stick together! 😁

  3. Ben, your birthday is on Sunday? Holy shit dude, mines on Saturday the 6th! That's pretty rad. 2 Ohio sweet bois with May birthdaya! I'll be 37 though, and i'm from Cleveland!

  4. I work for hardee's, and watching people talking about oversaturating "managers" and understaffing most definitely happens where I work. I suppose a small mercy is that overtime isn't punished (even if it is discouraged) but we are most certainly under paid when we have to work with a maximum of three people a shift.

  5. If you think the Panera thing is bad: Last summer, I had a job for 2.5 months before I quit. I was hired on as kitchen manager with a salary of 1k a week. I was working about 50 hours starting out. By the time I quit, I was working almost 80 hours a week and had an hour commute each way (so I counted that as 92 hours a week). I got one day off per week, and I was still called incessantly to come in on that single day off. I'd wake up at 7am, get to work by 9 or 10, and leave at about midnight to 2am. I was averaging $10-$12 an hour. Absolutely not worth the money, so I left (though they fired me for putting in my notice, so whatever). I'm now a shift manager with a local company making the same money (but paid hourly) but without the long commute and I only work 40-45 hours a week. Always make sure that the salary position you take is worth what they pay you. If it's not, get the hell away from whatever company that is.

  6. 11:40 Crowder wants the law to require "both sides" because he can't control her otherwise. He could use this to rally his base to get laws changed but he should just let it go and spend quality time with his boyfriend

  7. the whole ring cam video i was just waiting for her to do the skyler white SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPP at him, my god that would have been good

  8. I mean, i dont understand the roaring hatred kf Crowder? Its not to call him perfect or anything like that, just looks like… well zealotry in the groups that really wanna shit on him.
    He's not that hard to attack head on, just like on his opinions. His hard trad con views arent the perfect armor he thinks they are, and yea hes pompous and narcasstic but… lots of internet personalities are, im not quite seeing the special thing with him specifically.

    That said, if One Amber Heard didnt show is, a single clip that looks bad, isnt a smoking gun. But yes, considering Crowders own stance of respecting women as queens… yea he clearly trampled his own principals at leadt verbally with his wife on that footage.

    I dont think ill give much credence to his jilted soon to be ex wife, let alone Candence Owens.

    I havent watched dP since like… 2019? Back right after the split with TJ and co. Im glad to see Ben and Billy are still vibin' you two are definitely holding up better than TJ's crew they… declined…

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