THC vs CBD: How one affects the other!

THC vs CBD: How one affects the other! Subscribe to become a Cannabis Expert!


  1. I don't get high enough I have smoked since I was like 10 and 66 now. I smoke a ounce a week buy my self and I don't feel like I get the right buzz from it. And I don't buy the same kind every week I buy a different kind every week.

  2. Why OFFSET something too powerful? Why not buy a weaker strain? They are all labeled now. so don't guess. An ice cream can kill any pot high very quickly. Your suggestion is just dimwitted.

  3. This may be very helpful to me as I’m one of those who unfortunately has a very low tolerance for THC. I’ve grown several strains now that it’s legal in my state but most of them have been overwhelming for me. I have to be very careful and smoke very small amounts. Only worry is that CBD oil has been pretty expensive and never know what quality you’re getting.😢

  4. Any ideas on why edibles don’t work for me. I’ve tried several different doses same affects nothing. Anything I can try to help or make it work. Thanks.

  5. I like CBN for sleep. Buy I also enjoy THC from most indica flower. Sativa's seem to give me anxiety. I think the weed from back in my days of youth had a better blend of CBD and THC ratios.

  6. Any information on if I can use my sublingual oil as edibles? Like a few drops on a piece of bread with butter and swallow it instantly? My oil is with both THC and CBD and I want to have the liver convertion, afraid it will just be burned up in my stomach though!

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