The case for medical marijuana research on PTSD

This clip from Botany of Desire does a fantastic job of explaining how and why medical marijuana can help people suffering from …


  1. I have complex PTSD from childhood trauma that lasted for years, I smoke every day and see a counselor. Bless all of us WARRIORS fighting this battle every day.

  2. I have PTSD and am largely unable to get any restful sleep as a result of horrible and indescribable nightmares. Today I went to a psychiatrist I've been seeing for the past year to help with this and she implied that it's more or less my fault I can't sleep. I can't help it. I feel useless and alone, when I talk to her I feel patronized and shamed. I can't deal with this sleeplessness anymore, I need help but I don't know if it is out there for me

  3. False false false it's not worth that much because of its effect on getting you high it's more expensive because of the medicinal values and health values CBD which will not get you high made from the same plant where I'm from is way more expensive medicine it's just common sense

  4. For those that have PTSD This post is nothing new that I am going to say. for those that don't know what it is like to TRULY have this condition let me be able to explain it the best way that I can. It is the memories of the past and fears of the future because of the past that constantly play over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. There is no end ever even in sleep. It gets to the point where all you see, hear, and dream is the psychological trauma that occurred long ago. it's like a skipping record and you can not take the needle off. it is MADDENING to the point where you want to put a bullet through brain just to get it to stop. there is not therapy to deal with this the memories will still be there and it will still play over and over again there's not even really a coping mechanism for it. it just keeps going and going. This is why this condition is fatal. These chemicals that they have us on, tear our insides out so the doctors can prescribe more chemicals to fix the tear outs, that in turn will tear more insides out. The doctors then are basically simulating what PTSD does only in chemical form. none of the medication I am on XANAX, EQUETRO, LATUDA, STOPS THE THOUGHTS FROM COMING. Cannibus has been the only thing that I know that I have tried and successfully works in stopping that broken record for at least 4-6 hours at a time. It gives me the chance to think clearly (yes it is possible to think clearly with a high), and enjoy my life with out hearing that record. It also helps me not worry about whats going to happen to me in a crowded area. It helps me to be able to eat properly and not go 3, 4, 5 days with out eating a single thing. I can stay away easier. I am more social, and personable without hearing that record. I don't get angry and belligerent with the people I love and I can enjoy them. Here In Missouri Cannibus is Illegal, anyway you look at it with exception to CBD which does not work for PTSD. I would rather take my chances with the law then to hear that record on a constant basis. either way you look if id didn't smoke I will surly die if not from suicide at my hands or it would be from someone else. I don't think i can put it better than that.

  5. Marijuana has replaced all medications for me. As a child I was severely abused and I get flash backs, I get suicidal, and my stomach and intestines have problems because of how stressed I was as a kid. But as soon as I smoke I can function almost like I did before all of the abuse. The only draw back is that smoking is bad for my lungs. And otherwise I would be taking more than 5 medications that are proven to be addictive. such as Fluoxitine, Hydrocodone, and some other medications for sleep, anxiety,and pain.

  6. God created marijuana, everything that grows on earth is created by God. God made medicine, but that medicine is NATURAL. Many religious fanatics will condemn marijuana use, but I bet they use a lot big pharmaceutical meds such as: pain pills, and other!! Don't condemn unless you have tried it.  It helps relieve nausea from chemotherapy, pain, epilepsy and many more.  I have PTSD and it has helped me tremendously, unlike big pharma which creates synthesized drugs that have nasty side effects! My dear mother was dying of cancer, she also had glaucoma. When you see a loved one going through that, you want to help them the best way you can. My mother was also a deeply religious woman, but when she developed the glaucoma, she wanted to look into marijuana which could have helped her vision. But because we lived in a state with a lot of religious fanatics (including southern Baptists) and terrible laws against this natural herb, she could NOT access cannabis!! She died in my arms in terrible pain and retching. So you religious freaks, go back to where you came from and don't judge those that need help, for one day YOU may be the one that needs help but won't be able to get it!!

  7. I have PTSD and use medical cannabis to treat it, believe it or not but that is the only thing that has kept it under control. I was on 13 meds before medical cannabis now I take 2 a probiotic for my intestines and omeprazole for gerd.

  8. I'm an Army Infantry Iraq Veteran with PTSD. But I'll tell you now combat isn't the only thing that's caused my PTSD and depression and my damned need to burn away all the memories I can of the past and not just from military….

  9. I have PTSD and cannabis saved my life.  I would be dead, in jail, or in a mental institution had it not been for cannabis.  Instead I'm a perfectly functioning person now.  

  10. Texas needs to legalize Medical Marijuana like in New Mexico. I noticed when I moved back and had to quit smoking, I started getting nightmares again. I quit drinking 20 years ago and I won't do man made narcotics… I'm trying to get work back in New Mexico now so I can get some real sleep again.

  11. I will never forget the criminal banking cartels and how they fucked over so many generations, including my grandparents and parents… matter how fucking high I get……

  12. I drink so much, it is what allows me to sleep. When I had every day access to cannabis I was perfectly fine. Now that I live back home in Texas I drink, a lot. Not happy, unhealthy as can be… But I can sleep.

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