‘Unicoin’ Founder: New Global Digital Currency?

Darrell Hubbard, Founding Board Member of the Digital Currency Monetary Authority, addresses concerns regarding the the …


  1. What I didn't like here is that he knows full well that government's ALWAYS abuse any tools that can increase their power and control, and that democracy is two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to eat for dinner, and yet he doesn't talk about what counter measures Unicoin specifically has built in taking that into account. For example, the US Constitution has the Bill of Rights put in specifically to constrain government power. His only response is that there's a point to point wallet for more privacy, and that Unicoin is just a protocol and countries decide how they implement it for themselves, aka trust democracy. I wanted to hear more about how the monetary policy works, because the point of Bitcoin is to get away from a destructive centralization power like that.

  2. Me thinketh always., ahead of the class before he walks into…….the class!@!?😉
    P.S. A testimony that he chose David's channel to appear on!!!👍

  3. This evil against Humanity is being done deliberately, it will and has already failed, the perpetrators will be brought to book… and May Gods Pure Love Bless Us All..

  4. The fact that the global component of UMU enables differences among the sovereign participants implies that the glo al component itself has the capability of incorporating discriminatory regulations amongst the sovereigns. That is a concern for 100 years from now when the DCMA is controlled not by its founders, but by others.

  5. 10:37 – We have a way to control the price with policies …but the price is determined by the market? Not pegged or collateralized but somehow will be more stable than a stablecoin & an alternative store of value to a Decentralized BTC that no one controls. WEF/UN/IMF/World Bank have lost credibility.

  6. This is the problem with the Woke-Left Inclusion agenda. Black professionals with real results now have to tell ppl they were a prodigy and list their credentials & accomplishments, so they’re not confused with the “handouts” in H.R or ridiculous roles like D.E.I. So how do you trust a shady IMF controlled by the U.S who forced bailout nations like Argentina to reject BTC & crackdown on Crypto, so they can now announce their own “controlled/monitored” coin.

  7. Did anybody check the “working money channel” video about unicoin? I’m quite confused. 😅 any clues? Thanks for the video; after searching about this topic for some days, this interview it was quite a nice additional piece of the puzzle. Ps: is it possible to have a link to this IMF Meeting?

  8. My God, thank you for this interview, I’m conducting research on this now and hearing it straight from the founders mouth and especially who drove him to create it – is very very valuable information – you are now one of my sources David

  9. Thanks David for the interview! Concluded fairly quickly that I can't trust what the guest said. The mechanism doesn't make sense imo and he can't substantiate his claims. Feels like another scam.

  10. David, being distracted by your elegant hairstyle today.
    You better call out Pyotr Kurzin @theglobalgambit this time.
    +10 points for House of TDLR.

  11. David, excellent interview with a ton of info. Unfortunately, it's too much power for gov. Let's not forget what happened with the Canadian truckers and those who donated.

  12. The digital market and stock market are witnessing aggressive selling at higher levels, indicating that the bears are trying to make a comeback. According to Dr Benjamin Mason , graphically, The relative strength index (RSI) has been gradually rising toward the centre, indicating that the selling pressure is reducing. If buyers sustain the price above the 20-day EMA, the index could rally to the 50-day SMA indicating that the bulls are wary of buying at higher levels. That could be because of the upcoming price rally , which is known to cause an increase in short-term volatility. However, with the sentiment changing fast now is the perfect time to get into the crypto market. Dr Benjamin mason’s excellent trading strategy has helped me amass 5.5 BTC in less than three weeks of using his signals . you can contact him for profitable trading inquires .

  13. The digital market and stock market are witnessing aggressive selling at higher levels, indicating that the bears are trying to make a comeback. According to Dr Benjamin Mason , graphically, The relative strength index (RSI) has been gradually rising toward the centre, indicating that the selling pressure is reducing. If buyers sustain the price above the 20-day EMA, the index could rally to the 50-day SMA indicating that the bulls are wary of buying at higher levels. That could be because of the upcoming price rally , which is known to cause an increase in short-term volatility. However, with the sentiment changing fast now is the perfect time to get into the crypto market. Dr Benjamin mason’s excellent trading strategy has helped me amass 5.5 BTC in less than three weeks of using his signals . you can contact him for profitable trading inquires .

  14. I have no interest in this ridiculous digital curr stance by our gov. They truly are trying to enslave everyone with this effort. This is not up for discussion, it is proven. Anyone that trust our gov has not learned from history. Absolutely dumb and the statements this guy says is absurd! He and all the others pushing for gov digital currency will regret it as will their kids and grandkids, how can he say such idiotic statements about a democratic nation when this is not a democracy but a republic. We only use a voting democracy system and it is barely that.

  15. This gentleman would be well advised to avoid interviews. – Why do I find it soo difficult to trust him? Lack of stringency… perhaps.

  16. If what he is saying is true, why the heck government and central banks allow this to happen? Ditching the dollar, the pound, or yen and use this coin instead? This will not happen in my opinion.

  17. Thumbs up for David, thumbs down for Unicoin adoption. 😂

    Hard to tell if he is genuine or gaslighting. But if he is genuine, he has an ill placed trust in governments and how they might use his technology, and a potentially grave misunderstanding of the true innovation that Blockchain ledgers can allow through seperating control of currency from the State. His technology might be embraced by central banks and government, but it will be rejected in a free market by the people who no longer want governments to control currency.

  18. This guy is FOS. Red flags all over the place. You can't settle international settlements in every currency the way he describes without a pool of capital in every currency. He said he works for the banks and central banks but people can do ptp payments without being detected and losing privacy. Pick an f'n lane buddy. He has all the hallmarks of SBF: genius that came out of nowhere, has a lot of money. He said he doesn't want investors unless you want to invest… Blah blah blah. BS nothing more!

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