Thanks for watching another van life travel vlog everyone! In today’s video we’re on the coast in Sotogrande (Malaga province), …


  1. The Vinster will get you there…..worries should be over now 🤞. Yuck! All those bugs you’ve had to put up with 😮. So glad Charlie is sorted on the CBD oil now. I’ve tried a different brand which wasn’t mega great…but I will definitely give Bristol CBD a go next time 👍 💕

  2. So glad you guys got rain. And so happy that Charlie is doing well on the cbd oil. I am now in France after crossing the Pyrenees twice!!! Rudie is a good girl. She loves going up hill, not so much going down as she gets carried away and goes to fast. Looking forward to next week's vlog. Keep up the good work x

  3. Don't like the add in the video, it felt very staged and a wee bit cheated, like you where not genuine anymore, keep to your roots or you will just be like most of the other fake videos on YouTube.

  4. We love it when you show us Spain! To be honest we had gone off Spain but you guys made us realise how beautiful it is. Everyone is going to far away countries but look what you have done and could do for Spain by showing us all the best Resorts. little Charlie and Dizzie are getting older and they do love being at home and they do like to go home now and again. Their little tails wag. No matter what you do you are the best couple vloggers out there. Took our 9-year-old and 15-year-old doggies away for a few days and one was really ill and ended up in out-of-hour vets "Ouch". Vet fees cost more than holiday. He doesn't like holidays he just wants to stay at home. He is much better now. We are always waiting for your vlog on a Thursday night – drinks at the ready lol. 🐩🐕

  5. Hi Nick we have received our CBD for our Yorkie Indie , do you give Charlie his dose in his mouth or in his food and how many drops. We would give less to our Indie because she is smaller. I am also going to join Indie and try CBD . Thanks guys all the best .

  6. Thanks so much Nick and Sarah for the info on CBD I’m going to go on the website and order some, I have suffered from a horrible condition for the last 15 years Hemifacial Spasm syndrome which basically means one side of my face spasms and cant be controlled by me. I have heard of some people with this condition using CBD Oil with some degree of success so I’m going to give it a go. Great to hear about Charlie bear getting results with the CBD, its given me the confidence to try it. I’m currently in Spain so I will see if I can obtain some here at a pharmacy. I will keep you posted guys Thanks again, love your vlogs ❤xx Lilli

  7. Best thing we’ve found to deter ants is peppermint oil. Wipe around doors and windows with it and the ants will stay away without using chemicals. Vinnie will smell like a mint humbug for a while but it does work. It interrupts their scent receptors. Hope you have a great trip to the alps. PS my wildlife nerdy partner says ticks are not insects they are arachnids (they have 8 legs) 🤓👍🕷️🐜

  8. Maybe someone else noted this earlier in the comment section. The first insect bite (all over rash) looked exactly like a classic Lyme rash, which is more than just a bulls eye rash. To be on the safe side, you may want to get a Lyme titer test, especially since you mentioned removing a tick from your dog later in the episode. Symptoms of Lyme can be lingering and complex. Stay well and safe. All the best….

  9. My terrier had a couple of seizures but he hasn’t had any for the last couple of years since we put him on grain free food. Hope Charlie continues to stay well.

  10. That has now been done. Your dogs show you your illness to come. The seizures is a future and the reason why you get your words mixed up. Your brain is not on this dimension and when I checked it you have no delta wave. We think the problem is the aerials where you live. So we will remove your brain tonight and put in a control units to help.

  11. Love seeing the dogs, brilliant again really enjoyed the video that beach looks amazing,glad your ok Nick look after each other Sarah is absolutely beautiful,,I think Vinnie will be perfect in the Alps really looking forward to seeing the videos xx👍

  12. Can I ask guys, did you order and have shipped to Spain, Charlie's CBD treatments from Bristol CBD in the UK? I'm a little concerned as I've had a lot of issues with shipping from the UK to Eire 🤔 xo

  13. Another Gem of a vlog…… If they can be this good not travelling, well that says alot… When you get on the Rd it's gonna be up to your aquired excellent standard… No pressure 😂… The editing and quality show your skill at the task… I'm still at the camcorder stage lol

  14. Hi guys love your videos. Just want to know, how do you keep the dogs cool in the van when it’s hot and you leave them for a bit? Do you have a separate air conditioning unit running completely on it own? I’m wondering for my upcoming adventures. Many thanks! X

  15. Put. Vinegar on wasp bite, baking soda on a bee string. Use the gel from an aloe to heal scratches, cuts and burns
    Mix baking soda with icing sugar. They are attracted to the sugar and the soda makes them explode

  16. I had never heard of processionary caterpillars until you guys mentioned them, then last week we had a warning about them telling us not to disturb them and inform the forsetry commission if you found any and to watch your pets round them didnt know we had them over here. Glad Nicks at least had the wrong appt😊 you couldn't make it up could you. Happy travels guys hopefully in the next few weeks I will be posting from our van😊 Sarah watch where you are sitting.

  17. Don't fret about not getting away on some major expedition and lake of spectacular video footage. Just mooching around your home base is brilliant. You live in a superb place with loads of interesting places to take us. Just chill, its fine, really.👋

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