Brain fog is commonly caused from excessive toxins that accumulate in the brain and body from a poor diet, metabolic imbalances …


  1. Not so smart drink:
    Raw spinach contains oxalic acid, an organic substance that can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and iron? Oxalic acid binds with calcium, making it unavailable for use by our bodies. Replace the Spinach with broccoli sprouts.

  2. Take one apple, orange, beetroot,bitter gourd, carrot, cucumber, pomegranate, lemon and a bunch of green spinach, cut it into pieces and put it into a mixie or blender. Pour one glass of lukewarm water or coconut water (if it is available, which will be highly nutritional ) . Put one tea spoon of turmeric, fenugreek(uluva in Malayalam) , chia seeds(cuscus in Malayalam) and black seeds (Karin jeeragam in Malayalam , kalongi, Nigella sativa) , half a teaspoon of black pepper, one or two pieces of garlic smashed , a small piece of ginger, half a teaspoon of clove powder, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and half a teaspoon of baking soda, a table spoon of honey and apple cider vinegar. Put in the mixie and blend it. After that strain it and drink the juice every day ten minutes before meals two times a day that is before breakfast coming from the toilet on an empty stomach and also before having your dinner. Once you notice that your body weight and body vitals has become normal , you can reduce the intake of this herbal juice once a day either at breakfast or at dinner time ten minutes before your meals. This herbal juice will increase the immunity of the human body, avoiding constipation, increase the metabolism to burn the belly fat and give a flat tummy, normalize the body weight and cholesterol and blood sugar and keep the body safe from all sickness, infections and inflammations.

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