Can a Christian consider using CBD oil? |

The question of the permissibility for a Christian to utilize CBD oil for medicinal or therapeutic purposes prompts interesting …


  1. We are under Grace not Law. There is no right or wrong but God judges based on the intention of our hearts. So for a same issue, it maybe right for some and wrong for some.

  2. Mark 9: The Boy with an Evil Spirit
    17 Someone in the crowd replied, ā€œTeacher, I brought You my son, who has a spirit that makes him mute.
    18 Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid, I asked Your disciples to drive it out, but they were unable.ā€

    19 ā€œO unbelieving generation!ā€ Jesus replied. ā€œHow long must I remain with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to Me.ā€

    20 So they brought him, and seeing Jesus, the spirit immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.

    21 Jesus asked the boyā€™s father, ā€œHow long has this been with him?ā€

    ā€œFrom childhood,ā€ he said.

    What is being described here in these versus sounds like Epilepsy! Many of the things that people are suffering from is evil spirit inflicting them.
    I believe many of these things are being labeled and packaged as something to take Pharmaceutical's over. Pharmakeia-Sorcery.
    We are living in a time of GREAT Deception and we must remember the only true healing comes from above. True healing is found in the Lord.

  3. It is written I have made all green and seed baring for mankind's usage, It is also written all green and seed baring is good… Yall are condemning yourselves by what you say, in fact many times have I seen supposed believers Try to condemn people yet that minister and his family goes home and gets drunk šŸ˜‚… You can not sit their and tell anyone what God said was good and made for us is bad for us!!!

  4. There's a commercial where a man stomps his feet on the CBD oil (which is used for those with legal medical pains). He claims Hempvana is better than smoking marijuana because cannibus kills brain cells and becomes addictive if not monitored. PRAYER for everything…

  5. Properly processed CBD oil is likely safer than some drugs, as far as I can tell. But people smoke marijuana to get high, which will make be much more cautious about using it. I am also of the opinion thankful and joyful people handle pain better.

  6. Can you guys do a video on the phenomena known as sleep paralysis? Being someone who used to suffer from it, im very shocked about how many Christianā€™s and even non Christians have suffered or are suffering from it. Now Iā€™ve done some research on it and the first cases of it was around 2400 bc in the Mesopotamia area and it was said of been caused by liltulu. Iā€™m sure that name looks familiar to most people because itā€™s the name of the demon Lilith. Now I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence that studies have found that one of the ways that people claim to be able to get out of their sleep paralysis is by praying or reciting bible verses. In fact it was one of the ones that was on the top of the list. So if you would be able to look into this subject for me I would it would be greatly appreciated (: GOD bless (:

  7. Yes God created both plants for our use, both hemp and marijuana. They are cousins hemp is low on TCH.
    The bible says the tree shall befor healing( its leaves actually).
    The poor plants were demonised by the rich who wished to push for the production of cotton to substitute for hemp, the hemp industry was very huge particularly in USA , hence so much confusion.

  8. People can be such hypocrites!

    A drug, is a drug, is a drug!!!!

    We canā€™t pick and choose.

    Letā€™s call a spade a spade.

    You canā€™t point fingers at someone for doing the same exact thing you do!

    EVERYONE DOES ā€œDRUGSā€ in some shape, form or fashion.

    Tylenol, advil, aspirin and ALL headache meds ARE DRUGS!

    heart and blood pressure medications ARE DRUGS!

    Diabetic medications ARE DRUGS!

    Anti depressants that your doctor prescribes ARE DRUGS!

    If you eat meat, guess what?ā€¦. They plump your food with hormonesā€¦ THOSE ARE DRUGS!

    Do you drink milk? Guess what? Milk is filled all kind of drugs!

    do you drink water? Ever heard of fluoride? There are TONS of chemicals and drugs in the water that alter your thinking and behavior.

    Alcohol IS A DRUG!

    Nicotine IS A DRUG!

    sugar IS A DRUG!

    So on and so on!!!

    if you look in ANYONES medicine cabinet or any womanā€™s purse, I guarantee you will find some form of ā€œdrugā€!!!

    Whether they are ā€œprescribedā€ or not is not the point.

    Too much of anything is no good. As long as your not abusing anything or allowing anything to affect your worship, or personal relationship with God, and youā€™re striving to keep God and his commandments first, then thatā€™s all that matters!

    As long as youā€™re not influencing others negatively or causing anyone else to stumble!

    Stop being hypocritical and worrying about everyone else and focus on your personal relationship with the Most High and His Son!

  9. Marinol or Dronabinol is a synthetic THC. It is prescribed for some health conditions. It can cause you to feel high, Paranoid, and have abnormal thoughts. Natural THC is the psychoactive substance in marijuana. CBD moderates the impact of THC in marijuana and pure THC can cause intense paranoia and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors. I donā€™t think it is a good idea to use this medication even though it is approved by the FDA.

  10. Also,, I am SO SICK of preacher man people ALWAYS quote'n saul of Tarsus/"Apostle" Paul,, he WAS that FALSE Apostle,, he was satan in the flesh,, STOP make'n him Isaaih 14:14,,, he "Church" has placed "Apostle" Paul like the Most High,,,

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