1. Any idea if GA will be ever have it go on a ballot to vote for recreational. I know ga just went to medical for low does oral drops. Seems it’s been going that way In other states, then they allow flower then they go full on recreational.

  2. kinda crazy how like 70% of americas want it legal yet our elected officials don't represent that otherwise they'd have the same urgency that public has about this topic

  3. Living in Kansas (under duress) they tabled medical cannabis legislation here for the year(again) … everything is decided here by legislators and there is no signs of progress in the near future.

  4. BLM should have been screaming for decriminalization instead of for-profit Criminal martyrdom because for the vast majority of black youth cannabis possession is their entrance into the criminal justice system. I know that because I've been coaching High School sports for decades but there's no sympathy donation profit in its so BLM doesn't care🤔👈

  5. The vast majority of politicians R or D are from the "just say no" era. These people have been in power so long and are so set in their ways that they believe their own BS. And top that off with the Bible thumpers, and it's a perfect storm of "we know better than you". And let's not forget the greed.

  6. Here in Ohio I was finally able to sign the petition to get adult use on the ballot in November. The guy told me that he works for a third party that does the collecting of signatures for petitions like this. He said it was pretty random where they show up, I ran into him at a local grocery store parking lot.
    So for anyone in Ohio looking to sign this petition, keep your eyes peeled for people walking through parking lots with a clipboard full of papers.

  7. I am only mellow after I dose at night. The rest of the time I am incensed at the amazing lack of equity in my state vs. other states, the weird laws being made by people with little interest in cannabis, the censoring from Google, the bad cops not checking paperwork before they raid a grow. I'm incensed. But I'm also grateful I have at least medical access, but I only have this because I still have a job to pay for my medication, and a doctor that prescribes it to me. For now. Anyway, thanks for the show.

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