CBD for Migraines: Does CBD help With Migraines & Is It Safe To Use With Other Migraine Medicines?

In this video about CBD and migraines, I go over if CBD can help with migraines or headaches as well as whether or not CBD is …

1 Comment

  1. Hi
    From what I read, predominantly CBD and CBDA are responsible for the analgesic effects. I am interested in trying out CBD oil, but wonder if I should purchase broad spectrum CBD oil to get a stronger entourage effect of multiple different cannabiniods or try to aim CBD isolate, as I am scared of full spectrum CBD oil that contains higher concentrations of THC – although I often read that THC is very important for a strong entourage effect and subsequent analgesia. Also, what do you recommend in regards to dosis? And do you recommend vaping, capsules, or liquid oil under the tongue. I suffer from strong constant headache for 5 years now. No relief from any sort of physical or psychological therapy, nor antidepressants or antiepileptics.

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