Hello Sir, sorry to bother you but I see that you reply to a lot of messages here. Ive asked these questions to several chiropractors, physios, therapists etc here in Ireland. I damaged my long thoracic nerve when I tore several erector spine muscles. An (area) in my upper back under neath my shoulder blade towards my spine went cold and numb immediately. Pain kicked in about 3 months later. Partial left side diaphragm paralysis, some numbing of my pectoral then I was diagnosed with parsonage Turner syndrome after an e.m.g test. I have to crack my upper back constantly. After many, many rounds of chiropractic care, dry needling and acupuncture, I am about 80% recovered. How ever I can't 'switch on' the muscles I need to strength that area… it's like the mind/muscle connection is gone… Well… because it is, I guess because certain nerves are damaged or being compressed from tension rather than actual fraying of nerve sheaths… So.. my question is, because my upper back is unstable, and puts pressure on my good side from over compensating and everything feeds in to the problem… are there any tens machines that you would recommend and massage machines that would be for… ehhh a more advanced case at home. I don't have knots, I have adhesions and normal machines don't get the job done of breaking up scar tissue. Stretching leads to tendonitis and over stretching, making the instability worse. What, if any, would you recommend?.
I've seen a lot of medical professionals about my upper back and nobody really knows what to do because it's such an uncommon injury. Any help would be terrific. Thank you.
I need to see him so badly
Nice work. Never seen the hammering before. Interesting
Great Chiropractor 🙏🌟🌟
Hello Sir, sorry to bother you but I see that you reply to a lot of messages here. Ive asked these questions to several chiropractors, physios, therapists etc here in Ireland. I damaged my long thoracic nerve when I tore several erector spine muscles. An (area) in my upper back under neath my shoulder blade towards my spine went cold and numb immediately. Pain kicked in about 3 months later. Partial left side diaphragm paralysis, some numbing of my pectoral then I was diagnosed with parsonage Turner syndrome after an e.m.g test. I have to crack my upper back constantly. After many, many rounds of chiropractic care, dry needling and acupuncture, I am about 80% recovered. How ever I can't 'switch on' the muscles I need to strength that area… it's like the mind/muscle connection is gone… Well… because it is, I guess because certain nerves are damaged or being compressed from tension rather than actual fraying of nerve sheaths… So.. my question is, because my upper back is unstable, and puts pressure on my good side from over compensating and everything feeds in to the problem… are there any tens machines that you would recommend and massage machines that would be for… ehhh a more advanced case at home. I don't have knots, I have adhesions and normal machines don't get the job done of breaking up scar tissue. Stretching leads to tendonitis and over stretching, making the instability worse. What, if any, would you recommend?.
I've seen a lot of medical professionals about my upper back and nobody really knows what to do because it's such an uncommon injury. Any help would be terrific. Thank you.