Florida pot growers react to recreational marijuana possibility in Florida

Everyone is not on board with Florida’s push to legalize recreational marijuana – especially the mom and pop growers here in …


  1. I would really hate to see this happen. Yeah getting a license in Florida is expensive at first. But the moment it becomes recreational prices on the bud we get right now would skyrocket (very high quality flower)not your homegrown streetweed. We would see a dramatic increase on price and a large drop in quality. I used to live in California, where its recreational, you can go to 5 dispensaries and find horrible quality flower to high quality flower all for the same price at each store. Here in Florida, all the medical weed is the same price and high quality. You can’t even see the weed before you buy it at trulieve, and I’ve never been disappointed, even if you don’t like it they have a return policy. I’ve seen and smoked both recreational and medical states, my opinion they could lower the prices to get the license, but the market is great. The chemicals, pesticides, and illegal dispensaries in California make it very hard to find CLEAN flower. With it being medical it is much more easy for the FDA to regulate the quality that is allowed to be marketed!!!

  2. That’s not a dispensary…cbd and hemp growers have nothing to say they will still sell their fake shit…who cares where the weed comes from, this will take the criminal aspect out of possessing it…let it get legalized THEN fight for your rights wtf

  3. They need to just go ahead and Legalize It I ain't no Democrat now in Florida you don't have to have a concealed carry permit that's cool and my younger brother got his medical marijuana card and he ain't got a damn thing wrong with him besides he's a little b** and his work ethics this dude he works with told me he got it for depression and he can't sleep and he says he has night terrors he got some old lady chasing after him I wonder if his girlfriend knows he's depressed he probably didn't say a goddamn thing to her I ain't paying like $300 for a pot card and then they legalize it a month later they had to go take a concealed carries test dumbasses

  4. The thing that annoys me about this is…are all of us who want recreational weed because we're sick of jumping through the ridiculous hurdles of the medical system just supposed to vote against this because this dude is worried about his business? That's pretty selfish on his part. Tough shit my dude. You should have thought about this before you opened the business.

  5. This pole will indeed reach enough votes to make its way to the supreme court, but I can almost guarantee that they will reject the proposal. The higher-ups in the state of Florida would rather make their money from fining people who smoke it illegally, than from people who smoke legally.

    These white folks are twisted…

  6. Yo fk this guy !! He’s just butt hurt that he will have competition and I believe we should make it recreational put a tax on it not too high of course that way I don’t have to have a permission slip to smoke a plant versus go to the doctor and have him prescribe me medication‘s that are way worse for me.

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