Former Ben Carson Patient Claims Surgery 'Destroyed Dreams' – Crime Watch Daily

Karly Bailey was a happy seven year old growing up near Tampa, Florida. But that changed when her family found out she had a …


  1. He performed a surgery that saved her life and removed ever bit of the tumor that kept growing in her brain and would have killed her. He saved this girls life and now they want money because of a little facial droop.

  2. Watching this because I'm reading Gifted Hands. What a ridiculous report! Carson is the best that ever did it. This was a lame political ploy.

  3. Wen was this story put out?
    What was the very first words a couple seconds in?
    Absolutely this wasn't created for any reason, but for the love/health of this young woman right?

  4. The kids that buoyed her it was wrong she should have never been bulland they wanna put the 10 commandments in the schools like I say it's. Too late for the 10 commandments these kids are already sickening and have no concern for anybody and the thing that is being a worthumb Foster person. Most of these kids that you find like this they come from this function at home. People couldn't just not born as a bully then not born as hating everybody then not born to shoot people they were raised this way somebody raised these. People to be who they are so we don't need to take the mammoths to school. It's too late and it's going to work because these people and their families and most of these people have already broke all the tank amendments.😮

  5. Hit piece on one of the greatest brain surgeons due to his political views.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves, how do you look at yourselves in the mirror in the morning?

  6. If my kids had made fun of someone like that they would have got a good spanking. All parents should do that to stop the bullying.

  7. OH my.. her tumor had already regrown one time. I think she's lucky to be alive. Most likely if that tumor invaded her brain stem she would be far worse off, including dead. Life throws us difficult challenges. Karly needs to learn to forgive and and find a way to make something positive of her life.

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