Is Iron The Most Toxic Metal? Peter Rogers, M.D. Reveals The Truth About Iron

Beginning in April 2023, Nutrition Insights with Peter Rogers, M.D. will air the second Sunday of every month at 8:00 am PACIFIC …


  1. oh boy this is for an m.d. i'll let my sister know. just went right over my head. bottom line, eat UN-processed plants, preferably raw. fast, exercise. sleep well. quit that stressful job. cut out chemicals. tick check complete! raw vegan – sos

  2. Chef AJ! You hit it out of the ballpark with this guest. As someone who has a hemolytic anemia and heavy iron deposits in my liver and have phlebotomies regularly, I thought I knew quite a bit about iron overload. I learned a tremendous amount with this presentation. Thank you very much to both of you!

  3. A healthy adult can easily donate up to a pint of blood with no negative side effects. Been doing this. Feeling great. Been bland based since 2015 .

  4. Not exactly this topic, but he often has mentioned blood donations in his talks. I'm surprised he, as a doctor who is apparently healthy, does not donate blood or blood products regularly. "Blood saves Lives" – wasn't that the mantra?…Which is true. Thanks to myself donating double bags of platlets, many people were able to have their chemo done. My blood "iron" was always low or on the lower end, but my platelet count was up there. I donated to the German Heart Center/Virchow hospital in Berlin – their patients got my blood products. I know many "Blood" centers sell your blood – and you get a doughnut and juice. Look into it.

    **Ok, this is a long talk, I have to listen in segments.** I just heard him say around 1 hour 5 min this – the scaring from the blood donations in the elbow area where blood is taken can leave scars (not a quote), "they" or "you" will /could look like a drug addict. So, his reason is cosmetic for not donating? Is that what he is saying? Not everyone scars that badly. "They", the medical profession asks people to donate blood, yet the "medical professionals" don't always step up to the plate – is that what I'm hearing? Geez.

    The next step in blood product donations is getting clean not m**A toxic products. Seems all government is outlawing this.

  5. Cancer patient with high tumor burden used principles of Dr. Rogers, Dr. Brooke Goldner, Dr. McDougall and others I found on Chef AJ to slow cancer growth.

    Probably not cure it— cuz tumor burden too high.. but Thank you ALL!!❤️❤️❤️

  6. Great information, let’s be realistic to many, too many, too many people do not have accessibility to get all organic foods, without them being GMO‘s it’s just not realistic! Overall, I know people will eat healthier/ better, when they have better accessibility!!! some examples I know definitely will be an asset: equal opportunities, furthering, education, employment, affordable, housing, health care

  7. Wooowee, Chef, AJ, continue to learn so much from your channel, sometimes I have not did my own research, but it gets me thinking power! It becomes overwhelming at times. Listen to these amazing professional doctors, but when does one stop from gathering all of this info, it clouds in my brain at times, where I start, second-guessing myself! Again, Chef, AJ keep them coming, thank you🌻😎🌻

  8. I may not agree with his political world view, but I sure love his talks. It is such a pleasure to hear anyone speak who is this knowledgeable and passionate about their field.

  9. I have to take iron. And if you want to avoid age spots…wear gloves. Believe me you can be anemic and get age spots. The sun will form them of you have genes for developing clumped melanin….and yeah…my favorite speaker too…I learn the most from him…he assumes we will understand him…and I appreciate that.. even if I don't understand all of it….he never dumbs the material down and I am inspired to understand everything. I think his ideas for future projects sound great!

  10. I think it’s not about iron but the ferritin levels in our blood. Some blood results says low in iron but shows high ferritin levels. I’m an example of this. After knowing my ferritin levels, I’m trying to find out how to lower it. I can’t donate blood because I’m only 96lbs and requirement is at least 110lbs. When Dr. Rogers says it can’t be secreted, it looks like I have to eat only plant based for a longer period of time. Is there a faster ways to lower it?

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