Lillie's story is a miracle | The Asher House

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  1. As a child my Mom took me & my brother & sister to the local shelter to find a kitten. I was so sad to see each dog or puppy there, knowing what most of them would face. I dreamed of a rescue place someday just like Asher House. That was in the 1950's & rescue sanctuaries did not exist. You have let me see how that dream came true. Thank you & may God bless you.

  2. We have an old, arthritic dog, when we walk the younger ones, Buster walks too, but we also have a wagon, so when he gets tired, he can still enjoy being out with us.

  3. Lillie looks real good for her age. you did a great job with her Lee. without you
    she would have suffered a painful death. you saved her life with help from CBD.

  4. Lillie reminds me so much of my 13 yr old newfound lab mix, they even have the same bark, he is so spoiled he is always bossing me around lol, just like her his legs are weak and heā€™s slowing down, whenever I see her in your videos it always puts a smile on my face, thank you for sharing šŸ˜Š

  5. Love Lillie, she's hilarious. I loved her since she got the prize for being officially the dirtiest dog on one of your other videos. Keep on keeping on little Lillie xx

  6. How did you give them to Lillie I just barely started getting knee aches and my wife bought this cbd cream a while ago and I never used it until I heard Lillieā€™s story and I must say it works it really works no pain !!!

  7. Hi Lee love you for all you do!! Our dog Nina Rose came to us a 4 months. She had seizures. Vet gave her meds. We we on our own gave her less and less till no more didnt want to over medicate her. No more meds in three years and no seizures. She is 11 now. She lived next door. One night came to live with us and never went back. They wanted to give her back to shelter. And that night she came to us long story. She chose us to be her Mom and Dad inour 58 years of of marriage. She is our 7th rescue. Love our fur babies. Thanks againā¤

  8. I had 2 fosters with seizures, sometimes 2 or 3 in a day, and then nothing for weeks. This went on for over a year and it was traumatic for the dogs and me. They would go stiff and scream for a couple minutes, then go limp. When I read that CBD was used to treat human seizures I gave it a try, and it worked. I kept waiting for the seizures to come back but they never did. I do use CBD that is specifically for pets and is scaled for different size dogs. I have also used it for pain management, allergies and thunderstorm calming. I always have a supply on hand.

  9. OMG I love Lilly šŸ˜¢ I hate seeing her get old she's hilarious Asher house wouldn't be Asher house without Lilly really all the OG's started following right before or around the time you got two tone TONY MISS AND LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL BOY ā¤ļø

  10. Thank You Asher for helping Lily through her seizures. I suffer from seizures and the experience is scary when you don't have someone who loves you to wake up to. Her health has improved because she is loved and truly cared for šŸ’“šŸ¾šŸ˜

  11. What a miraculous story! Lee youā€™re truly Godsend. Thanks for answering your calling. No pun intendedšŸ˜¢ Lillie is so sweet and precious ā¤

  12. Yes! My Saint Bernard has seizures and is on meds. I was meant to get this message. Just within the last couple days I have been entertaining the thought of CBD. Iā€™m going to check yours out. Thank you! ā¤

  13. My Dribbles started having grand mail seizures when he was about 2yo. I was terrified by it. I donā€™t know how it happened, but after a couple years of this, something clicked for me. He only had seizures when I let him have the last bite or two of my breakfast. I was horrified by that realization! He had no more seizures after I quit giving him table food.

  14. Iā€™m sold! Lilly is a miracle dog in so many ways. Most St Bernardā€™s have a much shorter lifespan. Physically Lilly is still a beautiful dog and I hope you come up with some type of wagon for Lilly. Iā€™m sure youā€™d have many volunteer dogs to pull her special wagon..

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