Minnesota House passes recreational marijuana bill in vote of 71-59

The Minnesota House on Tuesday has passed a bill legalizing recreational marijuana in the state. It passed on a 71-59 vote.


  1. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

  2. I RIDE MOTORCYCLES & TRI-ATHALON BICYCLES. I LIVED IN Las Vegas, Nevada 35 years… I will tell you the problem is not just marijuana… it is the fact that most are so stupid because either going to work or driving home, many just have to smoke it while driving… no, can not stay home and smoke it, so stupid FOLKS must smoke in their car. DRIVE ON HIGHWAY I-215 if you get that smoke in a full face helmet because the idiot smoking that just passed me at 100mph + that stink will stay in the helmet for ten miles. cars leaving or coming home always a cloud fouling the air and foul music blasting. it is not the plants fault but those who seem to focus on that lifestyle are selfish morons. sorry if I offend the smart folks who do smoke at home. I live in Minnesota now going on 3 years so I am not happy to have this happen plus the bad un repaired roads and pot smoking drivers is a bad mix. On a bicycle… please be safe, my friend.

  3. Finally! I’ve been suffering lower back pain for over 15 years now and haven’t really smoked since I got in trouble with a quarter ounce with the law back then. This is amazing news and can’t wait to start smoking again!

  4. "Not on my watch" Fmr. Gov. Dayton and it did not pass. Pot is a gateway drug! The Democrats want to be drug dealers because they know these strung out fools will never vote against them!?!? These are the same Democrats who are against menthol cigarettes!?!? WEED WILL LEAD TO MORE ACCIDENTS, VIOLENCE, ETC.. CALIFORNIA HAS SEEN A HUGE SPIKE IN CRIME. DRUG GROWERS ARE GROWING ON PUBLIC LAND IN CA WITH BOBBY TRAPS!!

  5. This vary good news to hear but we still have a long road ahead but I we can do it just give it time and have some faith in are state hous we really need for people who have PTSD !!!

  6. I see people in the comments seem to lack a fundamental understanding of the legislative process. There is nothing to celebrate yet, this bill still has to make it through the Senate and then get signed by the Governor.

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