Ret. Green Beret Zach Garner – Part 2 | Mike Ritland Podcast Episode 139

Zach Garner’s career as a Green Beret was on thin ice. Following his first seizure, he quickly discovered that something deeper …


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only veteran who got addicted to pills. And then I got hooked on herion for 6 years. At 32 I'm sober….addiction was so depressing and the hardest thing I have ever had to overcome

  2. Thank you so much for sharing such amazing stories! I too went through the whole flesh eating bacteria Situation but in my. The pain something. I couldn't describe and when I finally broke down to take the pain inymore but 1st time in front of my wife and went into shock As well. Oh yeah that's stupid fucking pick line 🤬🤬🤬.. anyways thank you for putting yourself out there for us.

  3. Zach and Mike thanks for your service, you are greatly appreciated and hope you guys know that. Zach what a story, I am going through some medical issues and hearing your story really gives me some more strength to carry on. All of your life stories that guys tell really help a lot of people and is greatly appreciated by thousands and even though we don’t personally know you guys, it really does affect people in a positive way. Mike keep on producing a great show and great work!!

  4. Dude what an amazing story. To rebound from 2 CVAs and those seizures and still be able to take care of business with a MO guy ( he’s lucky you didn’t dirt nap him). And the more I hear about the VA f-ing people over like you, disgusts me. Thanks for all you have and continue to do.

  5. Sweet Jesus, what a warrior! Thank you for sharing your story, for your service AND sacrifice. To go through what you've endured and come out to continue to grow and give is beyond admirable. I'm an avid listener and this has been the most impactful story I've heard. All that and an outstanding mustache to boot!! Thank you.

  6. Great interview! There’s not a lot of stories that give me that feeling I get from a good movie. A few times in this interview it gave me those same chills

  7. Wow! Incredible story. The fact he is sitting there able to speak clearly and completely normal is amazing. What a warrior.

  8. I've been a subscriber since you interviewed Kevin Owens several years ago.

    As usual, this was a very high quality interview and a truly fantastic story.

  9. I haven't watched a podcast since u have only read two chapters of ur book…what was I thinking I thought maybe u might be a man of ur word but that went out the window with a quickness

  10. Mike, like Zach I too had to change my mind on CBD. In 2016, i was having bad muscle spasms. Nothing was working great. Magnesium helped but wasn't great. I told doctor i didn't like how marijuana made me feel.
    Doctor then told me I might want to look into CBD. That it wouldn't make you high.
    I now use the lotion and drops, and have never looked back since.

    I believe it should be considered a medication and legal in all 50 states!

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