1. I work in an ER. We get so many people in with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. They always get upset when we recommend they stop smoking weed and always say they “quit several days ago so it’s not the weed”. Girl you’ve been vomiting for the last few days. And you always say you quit a few days ago when you come in puking your guts out.

  2. Maybe this is old, or this guy isn’t up to date on his scientific journals, but we have very good large scale double blind studies showing CBDs effect on anxiety and sleep. No it’s not perfect, no it’s not a cure all- but yes! It has great effects for many things!

  3. My son was diagnosed with Lennox Gastaut Syndrome about 10 years ago (result of shaken baby syndrome). He was on so many meds to control seizures we were constantly having blood work done to watch vital organs and he still had multiple drops every day. 3 yrs ago he finally got prescription. CBD and it is God sent! He's off of the most toxic meds and he hasn't had a seizure since starting. Don't know about the claims for common ailments, but I would swear on my life it works for LGS.

  4. I personally think the evidence isn’t there because we’ve had very little interest in testing it. Even though there are plenty of willing test subjects. Call me a conspiracy theorist but…I think big pharma could have something to do with that. People remaining sick = more money for them.

  5. Hi doctor mike a child around the age of 8 touched my shoulder on the way he touched grass and his nails weren’t long but a bit short so I’m worried that I’ll get roundworms now please if anyone knows anything please let me know if the comment the grass had dirt

  6. While some of the claims of CBD's effects may be false, I know for a fact that it is effective for pain relief. I use it for chronic pain pain. The reason that the evidence is not there is that the government has prevented the vast majority of medical studies on it.

  7. But there is evidence there is this one lady that was on the news true story her son has a skin condition and she makes her own CBD stuff and rubs it on his skin and he is all better mostly!

  8. CBD is a faint anti-inflammatory it acts on the side effects of THC main reason why it is highly desirable to have high content of CBD in medical THC. Pure THC is no fun… 😅

  9. Other drugs work psychosomatically too for pain, it's not really something to write it off over. It really sounds like you're trying to write off cbd as having medical use here. I thought better of you, Dr Mike.

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