1. I love that you talk about the radical change that takes place when you decide to 'do whatever it takes' to make the changes that change the way you react to life.

  2. I've been in 12 Step recovery (AA) for 30+ years, and there is a definite 12 step feel to what I heard here. Addiction is always about more than substance, behavior, or will power. Connecting to higher wisdom and life force energy is vital. And so is putting down the substance/s. Helpful conversation.

  3. There is a special purse for plant based eaters like us, it’s called a diaper bag🤣
    Just saying big enough for meals and snacks plus insulated and has a “dry” area for other needs they actually have some nice purse looking ones.. they are still huge but they work❤

  4. Thanks again, Chef A.J.!

    Do you happen to have an episode where you talk about healing from GERD? My wife has been taking the purple pill for over 25 years, and even if she goes plant-based for a time, and tries to wean off the medication, she has really bad heartburn. I'm wondering if You happen to cover that issue in one of your interviews?

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