Tom Davis On South Carolina’s Medical Marijuana Bill

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  1. Toms a great senator. No matter what your Party Is. He’s always well spoken and down to earth , never see him trying to hot shot. , I’m still tryin to get an invite to one of his Pot Party’s tho 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😂

  2. To start with a cliché: when you mix politics with medicine, you get politics.
    Look at other state rocords with weed. First starting with medical, then recreational. What a flipping mess of hyperbole.
    You all do not seem to have a clue to what weed is any longer.
    Go back to when Rick Simpson put out his documentary. His remedy was produced from open pollenated plants with a balanced cannabinoid profile. Something that is next to impossible to find since regulations began.
    With all of the strain hunters working their magic, we now have thc levels through the roof, causing a myriad of symptoms. How the hell do you think you can regulate that?
    Your claim to understand the medical benefits of cannabis is sophomoric at best.
    If you're wanting to regulate it, then f**king define it!!
    Regulation is only good for political lip service and not the consumer.
    Deregulate it to the point that individuals can grow some for themselves. There is no money to be made by the state coffers in the long run.
    Be the libertarian you say you are and get the government out of the way.
    Nothing but a Brehlo!

  3. Murray Rothbard was the original promoter of the concept of the "non-aggression principle", not John Stuart Mill, who was a Utilitarian.

  4. Last time I remember SC Law Enforcement and the prisons were against it mainly because they would lose funding.
    I think it was medical marijuana and it was a few years ago and it did not pass. Follow the money again.
    They would lose the number of prisons and officers would not needed to arrest those using it. Less officers.
    They stood up and voiced their reasons against before the votes were taken.

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