1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X4QUKapgJX8Tx7dgQgmu05W42c7v2FMe/view?usp=sharing I have a mini eBook that explains my work and history with molecular magnetic fields in more detail. Hope you get a chance to check it out as a free PDF download . Pink Noise Audio format – listen at safe volume setting and in moderation. This frequency is an approximation of the molecular magnetic field. It is not a replacement for the item nor is it a therapy.

  2. Tom thx u for this! what is the name of this award winning cbd oil? I'd like to get the physical brand in hand thx
    Also when u made it and took the cbd oil out in the video pic- does it have to be out of the container for it to work as a pink noise audio? and if it wasn't taken out of the jar or container would it get the same good effects? Thx for taking time

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