Trichs on Steroids! Advanced San Pedro Growing Techniques with Reed

Lately, on social media, I keep seeing people who are growing my genetics with insanely fast growth. There are some really …


  1. I started from seed in December of 2020 and about two weeks ago I cut the two 4 foot cactus down to 12 clones and just potted them yesterday. Two pups already 5 inches tall have grown from the base. Only grown indoors under led.

  2. Özgür hocam benim aklıma bir soru takıldı. Şimdi siz dediniz ya "inen faizler merkez bankasının normal bankalara verdiği paradan aldığı faizdir" dediniz. Şimdi merkez bankasının normal bankalara verdiği paradan aldığı faiz azalınca doğal olarak bankanın bize verdiği paradan aldığı faizin de azalması gerekmiyor mu?

  3. Thanks for all the valuable information you share. I do have a question about the brightness intensity under the grow lights, which it seems you have experience with.

    I have a small collection of plants. mostly consisted of lophophoras and some varieties of ariocarpuses.
    I've already purchased an LED grow light (full spectrum) and a Lux Meter. but I got confused as I was researching the amount of lux that I need.

    I've read articles that suggest 3000-4000 FC is required for the spineless cacti family (12-14 hours).
    I've asked ChatGPT, and the result is 2000 FC (12-14 hours) for the cactis i mentioned above.
    and at the moment I am keeping my plants behind a window that has about 7000 FC (but only for 5-6 hours)

    I am wondering what is the best amount of light for my plants? where they can fully thrive without sunburn?
    any suggestions will be appreciated. 🙏

  4. Great and extreme fast crowing results! – I prefer the opposite way- even my few month old babys go to winter-greenhouse-sleep (5-8 C) with no water. They start the spring little purple but regain fast and very healthy.

  5. Since watching this video i figured id give this a try. I've been struggling getting my San Pedro started out here in Arizona. Since the addition of hydroponic nutrients these little babies are really taking off. I'm mixing my hydroponic nutrients 3 parts per million. Seems to be really working. These have fattened up all of a sudden in the last week. Great idea! Wish i could post pics here

  6. That is like to total opposite of what I have achieved.. my cacti.. 1 year old from seeds are 4 cm tall.. with the largest 5 cm.. but I'm in a relative cold country and I it's my first attempt at growing plants

  7. Oh Wow!! Those are so Beautiful!!
    It's unfair that the Stupid Brexit Cr*p means that I am unable to restock my Greenhouse and Garden…

    ~ I lost some "old family friends,",,,
    who were grown by my Nan originally!!

    My Garden has been destroyed by a group of vandals…
    Smashing Everything to bits, even the Bee Hives~ again.😮

    So, I'm just going to move forward to the countryside,
    and I will be much happier there also!

    I'm buying a very small piece of land,
    It's about time for me to start keeping Hens again,
    and looking after the land,Trees, Wildlife, Fungi and Plants!!

    Oops, I am rambling on yet again,,,
    My Apologies for the wittering on!!
    Thank You for Making and Sharing your videos, they're Amazing!!
    Best wishes and Kindest regards,
    Namasté 🙏💞
    Andréa and Critters. …XxX…..

  8. Thanks for sharing the info! 😊 I'll stick to growing the simple way for now, as that's the first run of cactus for me, but I'm growing your seeds in small containers since last year and they are super healthy

  9. Thanks to reed I got my hands on some jerry genetics! Francis x A1. Can you tell me the origins of both clones? I’ve been a long time fan of your channel! One love!

  10. 20 years ago I put some in hydroponics, expended clay. Since I had no clue I let the dripping system run all day. I learned quickly. And if you stop feeding your plant some weeks/month before harvest, the plant should have used up the nutrients. And…an EC of nearly 4 is wicked, impressive how much they can eat! His temperature would be interesting: What is perfect?

  11. Thanks Jerry for another great video, great to see what your seeds are capable of. Some (but not all) of the seeds I've got from you are growing very well, but it really does depend on the environment and care. I'm paranoid about over-watering and over-feeding mine as I've had other species rot, but maybe I'm being too cautious as Trichs are more resilient than some. Great to see what they will look like when bigger!

  12. Half the cactus world: Cacti grow slowly, never give too much fert, leave it to nature, Yadda Yadda. Here our buddy reed does what I do: Fuck that advice, let's go science! 😂

  13. I would be interested in a video about things to avoid as well. I have plenty of experience with other plants but cacti are relatively new to me and I'd like to know best what not to do. My cactus are growing but I feel they are growing much slower than they should be and I just want to eliminate possible mistakes I may be making. I'm pretty sure you've done it already but it might be helpful to see cacti at a bunch of different ages in one video to help gauge our progress since its helpful to see how big my plants should be by a certain age. Just some thoughts.

  14. I graduated from hydro to organic. Not much info on organic cactus growing but I’m gonna hit it with my cannabis routines. They seem to like the same stuff

  15. Fast growth but I like your sun grown ones better, they just feel more natural, better medicine! Both great though. Thanks for the videos Jerry 🙂

  16. Jerry, you might appreciate some of the techniques used by the folks growing cannabis in living soil. Coots and Mofo are the names worth checking out. I'm growing your seeds with a modified version of their method and am having great results. My established plants get the same feeding as my cannabis and love it

  17. I'd be curious at to how he handles the early months of the plants. Like when do they get their first fertilizer and what strength?

    Are all those fertilizers at once? Spaced out? How often? What is the soil mix?

  18. Great video! I’m feeding hydroponic solution myself and growing under lights, but I’m a bit behind reed. I’ve been feeding substantially less nitrogen, but more phosphorus.
    Do you know if he keeps his phosphorus low for a reason? Is it bad if I bring my nitrogen up and leave my phosphorus high too?

  19. Wow he's doing a great job. I'm in the US so not sure the legalities but would love to respectfully try this medicine and growing but I'm in a small apartment in a colder/wet climate in western Washington.

  20. I bet you could get the same results from using Osmocote fertilizer slow release pellets 13-13-13 for young trichoceres and magamp japan fertilizer for adults 6-40-6-15. Pellets are much easier then mixing and feeding. Osmocote and magamp only release when the temperature is high.

  21. I use a small amount of vinegar to lower the ph mixed with 1/8 dose fish fertilizer on my cacti seedlings and they are growing faster than before.

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