Watch The Medical Marijuana Debate Get Dismantled

Watch Me CRUSH The Medical Marijuana Debate – What nonsense is this? Why does God speak to people all over the world to …


  1. So, 2 men in the background kiss each other repeatedly šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø while he is preaching. Did this on purpose? To get attention? Oh God, we need you today!

  2. Well Now, Can They Murder Life Anyway What, Does Mean God, And Who Is Jesus, Yet When A Spirit Will Depart From Its Body, Will That Spirit Die? Some May Said To You, Can I Have A Word With You, A Word Thus A Commission Which Will Be Definite As An Message, Report, Notice, News, Statement, Conservancy [Advice, Council, Counsel], Instruction, Command, Or Duty Given To A Person, Or Group Of People: Well Now, Who Was That Person That, The Eternal One Was, Commanding Which Was The Personality Who Was Speaking There In The Book Of Genesis With Adamah And įø¤awwāh, Who Also Was Born Out Of Wombs, Right?

  3. Would u say taking a sip of wine is a sin? If so I would expect the bible to say do not sip the wine. But instead it says donā€™t be a drunkard. I think there is a difference we should recognize. A glass of wine with dinner – wouldnā€™t cause someone to be drunk (unless it was like booze or something). Iā€™ve come to understand from scripture thereā€™s a difference between drinking a glass of wine and drinking a bottle of wine thus getting drunk. Wouldnā€™t you recognize this difference?

  4. there is yes vs No Amen so love your enemies and not hate them is right because we were once all sinners so if we hate people its like hating us when we are not saved we would have gone to hell, but because we are loved we are saved Amen so love you friends and also your enemies so they may behaved also Amen see if he /she is a real believer just see if they love their enemies if not they are not real righteous people if yes then good they are most likely real christians and real righteous humans Amen truth'

  5. The older gentleman who said there are thirty-six in the Torah is half right. If he is from the Jewish religion they'd only believes the first five books of Moses is the Torah, then the older gentleman was correct. No it comes to the names he was saying, he may have been correct on that also. You must remember there is no letter j in the Hebrew alphabet, you also must remember that there are only twenty-two in the Hebrew alphabet, unlike the American alphabet which has 26 letters. It was not unknown for the same name being spelled different ways because of the lack of alphabetical letters, one who has not studied God's word may have been confused the two different spellings might mean two different people but really don't. That's why the Pharisees and Sadducees may not have been part of the Levi tribe, because the Levi are part of the house of Judah, the nine have tribes that were taken into captivity by the Assyrians and we're not part of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus Christ. The only tribe that existed and that were not lost was the tribe of Judah, tribe of Simeon, and 1/2 of the tribe of Benjamin which belong to the house of Judah. Today they call themselves Jews. A Jew is a person that lives around Judea or is of the house of Judah.

  6. Yes, there are 300 passages or verses in the old testament, that prophesied of the birth, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That older gentleman who said they're only 36 verses that prophesied about Jesus Christ, if I remember correctly, it depends on what type of Jew this gentleman is. If he's the Jew that believes the Torah is only the first five books of Moses, then the gentleman is correct. But if he believes the Torah is all the books in the Old Testament, then the gentleman is not correct. There are thirty-six prophecies in the first five books of Moses in 300 prophecies in all the books of the Old Testament.

  7. Bruh šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been sober for 5 1/2 years and I can attest that lifestyle is of the devil & I created hell on earth. All my gratitude goes to Jesus Christ šŸ•Šļø

  8. Just realize guys that he speaks like that, because he was there once. He understands how sinners think and is helping them realize they arenā€™t the only one. That itā€™s not too late. I can tell you that allot of people want to repent, but have that mindset that itā€™s too late and theyā€™ve already gone so far. God bless your work and am glad youā€™re speaking on marijuana. I definitely fell victim to the medical marinuana agenda and the ā€œweeds not addictiveā€ agenda for the longest and pray God can heal me and help me recover after my long addiction with Marijuana. Anyone reading this, itā€™s not cool at all. Anyone selling it is strictly selling for profit, not to help people.

  9. The preacher keeps telling people that they have free will. Thatā€™s putting the cart before the horse. He who sins is a slave to sin. They sin because they have a sinful nature therefore they choose to sin. Can an Ethiopian change his skin? With man, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. A lot of your hearers can rightfully find contradictions with that perspective of the spiritual anthropology of those who are in Adam. John 8:36, ā€˜therefore if the Son sets you freeā€¦you shall be free indeedā€™. Youā€™re not free without the Son. I really do appreciate your evangelistic zeal, though.

  10. The drugs my Dr gave me for my neuropathy among the side effects was liver failure and addiction. It didn't even work. I smoke weed it helped got rid of the nerve pain to where I can sleep now. Nobody has died from weed.

  11. Weed was the only thing that helps me my wife has cancer weed got her to eat and sleep.. smoke it if you need it you can't get addicted you can't overdose

  12. Pastor didn't know the answer to the question of the old man about the Messiah Bin Joseph and the Mesiah Bin David… Jesus is the Messiah Bin Joseph as he came 2000 years ago as the son of Joseph.. and he will come as the Messiah bin David as the King to rule.

  13. So beautiful when hearing the word of God!!! Reading my Bible each day helps me to stay connected to Our Lord and Savior šŸ™šŸ•Šā¤ļø Amen my brother in Christ. Praying for all who are lost. May God be our beacon of light always!

  14. Brother Joseph I have a question. Have you heard of black Hebrew Israelite movement? If so, could you share some wisdom to to help speak truth to them? I have listened to some of their preaching and even going so far as to say Jesus didnā€™t come to save the world only those who are Israelites.

  15. God bless you I feel as if this was shown to me for a reason, the conviction of the holy spirit showed me smoking weed was damning my soul, and connection the the lord, weed can hurt your lungs and prevent you from pursuing your life in the best manner, God bless you and your works, praise Jesus the most high. I'm 20 was smoking, drinking, and doing drugs since 14.

  16. I'm addicted but I am praying to quit if It's the way.I think it probably should be cast off.I'm 66 quit smoking and drinking.I am rationalizing it's better than prozac or xanax.

  17. Iā€™m glad to see my Twin Brother with the blue and white Jordanā€™s was there to hear the word of GodšŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ•ŠšŸ•Š

  18. You are wrong. You are preaching from ignorance. I've known people whose glaucoma was helped by marijuana.

    I've known people whose pain was helped by marijuana. My own Republican mother benefits from CBD also.

    You just don't know what you are talking about.

  19. I've been a severe cannabis addict, and it does not please the LORD. I repented, and he has broken the chains. It is bondage and darkness masquerading as freedom and light.

  20. Smoked weed, meth and drank off and on for more than 20 years. Even after receiving Christ I've backsliden to all sins trying to convince myself God still loves me and im still forgiven while in disobedience. Shame on me. God has revealed this to me, its all mind altering you can't truly serve nor worship God. All excuses came from the flesh to appease the evil desires in this wicked flesh, to compromise with sin. While sedated or living a life contrary to the teachings of Christ its impossible to live by the spirit of God and walk in obedience to Christ. Anything you place your trust in to fulfill the lust of the flesh is an idol and brings demons into your life. I was delivered after living Luke warm for so long and Christ rebuked me, my whole life fell apart urinating blood and blood in my stool, always felt depressed, was hiding my sins instead of confessing them, always had self pity with murder and evil in my heart. The fear of death came upon my soul and convictions reined in my conscience. So one day while in my last breaths from a near overdose I no longer could convince myself my sins by the blood of the lamb are cleansed. Because I have been willfully walking and living in sin. In fear of eternity in hell I called out to the Lord but felt distant. when I asked Him to show me His word, even if it may rock me to the core. I opened up the kjv and the word of God fell on Ezekiel 18. Sin and die or repent and live. 3 sins He had against me. I made a choice I'm done doing it my way. I'm all in for you Christ. I prayed and confessed my sins asked God to deliver me from the lust of my flesh, the lust of my eyes and the pride of life… Christ saved me. I finally fully repented and picked up my cross and followed Him. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for saving my wretched soul from death unto life. Only by the blood of Jesus and anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. My friends don't compromise with sin nor find any excuse to fulfill the lust of the flesh. Pray in these moments of temptation, God can deliver you through anything. God bless.

  21. I'm sorry your preaching a false gospel…Your saying when you first get saved all it takes is believing and receiving……THEN your salvation is contingent on obedience…that's a lie….We our holy by the blood of Jesus….and obedience is the fruit not the root of salvation.. Obedience do not MAKE you saved…..We learn to walk and I obedience……and we are supposed to walk in obedience..But it doesn't save us…and we will never be perfect……And are not saved by our perfect obedience .. because it doesn't exist..

  22. Drunkenness is my demise. There comes a point where Iā€™m just not myself anymore. Iā€™m like, lIā€™ll just have oneā€ and then my wife says, ā€œYou drank all of that!ā€ ā€¦ Itā€™s sad, Iā€™ll be sober for months and then stumble.

  23. Iā€™ve smoked weed before. Not proud of it. I was never addicted and never yearned for it but I did on very rare occasions dabble in it. I would like to say while I was high one day with a friend of mine, I witnessed something that to this day he says never happened. Now itā€™s very possible that I was just hallucinating or there was a chemical reaction to marijuana that caused me to see this, but I witnessed what looked like my friend stand up and enter into my mothers closet. Now that doesnā€™t seem like much, but after this my brother who was also there started to have an anxiety attack. I personally believe that what I saw, wasnā€™t my friend but actually the demon of anxiety who disguised himself as my friend to go undetected as he walked past by my brother and allowed his presence to manifest unto him. For this reason, (which I may be wrong about completely, but I do feel as if drugs of any kind; specifically psychedelics open gateways to look inward of the spiritual realm) I am against smoking marijuana. I have a flexible stance on the extraction of oil from marijuana leaf for medical purposes. For example, smoking the marijuana will not only damage your lungs and brain but can cause hallucinating and other bad things, however things like CBD oil help as pain relief and cause (to the best of my knowledge) no damage to lungs or brain and doesnā€™t cause hallucinating. I said i have a flexible stance because I myself, do not use it but Iā€™ve seen what itā€™s done for others in terms of pain relief. If it is sinful I will not promote it but as of right now I have a very strong stance against smoking (that goes for medical purposes) but a flexible stance on CBD oil (for medical purposes)

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