Why are cannabis producers losing profits in legal markets? | Morning in America

Cannabis prices have dropped tremendously due to a national surplus. Cannabis producers aren’t legally allowed to transport …


  1. You took a plant as easy to grow as tomatoes and corn and expect it to remain at $280 an oz. indefinitely? Weed is going to sink to a few bucks an ounce in the next 10 years. The price will level out at what it costs to cultivate +20%. Expect to pay less than $40 per oz–and that price WILL NOT support brick and mortar dispensaries. Most people in illegal states are now able to buy almost any west coast medical grade, indoor grown weed through a contact on FB or Insta who just mails them the product. Lately, it's been $120 per ounce for top grade Oregon or California weed delivered anywhere in the US….

  2. All taxes are treason the entire us Corp of American Government must be eradicated world wide door to door all arrested and fully prosecuted for treason, crimes against humanity, human trafficking, mass murder, war crimes, malfesence, human trafficking, corruption, taxation in any form , hidden fees in any form

  3. Because the programs implemented by the states are designed to work against success. High taxes, entry fees banking prohibited…all add up tp failure. The business needs to be able to underprice that black market to gain market share over it. Its not that hard folks.

  4. But it's not really legal…. if it's in your system you can lose your job from a mandatory drug test!!…. It's only ok for couch potatoes who aren't working anyway!!…… I'm sure it's difficult to make money at anything nowadays!!

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