Why Weed Going Legal In NYC Caused A ‘Gray’ Market Boom

In the densely populated Tri-State area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the rollout of legal weed has been called slow …


  1. A lot of the store front dispensaries have staff that are ghetto and don't know anything about Marijuana. I will wait to go to a state regulated location like Vegas to smoke. No thanks NYC.

  2. From the very beginning of the push to legalize cannabis in California I have been saying that the street dealers should be the first to get the chance to open up shops , they are the people who already have knowledge of how to sell the product and how to manage the logistics of supply and demand , they have all the experience , same as the underground cannabis farmers they have the knowledge already , they should have been the sages that we looked to for advice on how to run a legal market all along , but as part of the whole class BS we have only the biggest corporate players have been able to capitalize off this market . Here in PA . the up front capital needed to open a dispensary is staggering , so much so that only the richest of large companies could have ever cast bids for a license , then the taxes and the regulations , it is a huge cost here to grow a cannabis plant .

  3. not taxed, cash only. I have a medicinal card and there's always a deal. for instance today is buy 1 get 1 60% off, tomorrow $20 off $100. The deals are at the medicinal dispensaries and id much rather know what I'm getting rather than getting the hook up from a friend who doesn't know what he has either. "FIRE" is a myth… I have that prescription.

  4. What do you mean by black and hispanic being disproportionately convicted? If you do illegal stuff of course you will and should be convicted. If you don’t want to be disproportionately convicted don’t do disproportionally crimes. We should not legalize drugs for the sake of social justice and lost tax revenues. Social justice is when the criminals get punished for their criminal activities and that’s that. People should understand that once and for all and should condemn and stay away from drugs if we want a healthy society. Otherwise we will be a zombie nation.

  5. If you want to sell weed legally, you need to be arrested for selling weed first. Perhaps all the people selling grey market weed want to get arrested so they are qualified to sell legal weed…

  6. Since they force businesses to purchase from local growers, I don't ever think NY will be a leader in the cannabis industry. Sorry, the marijuana in California is head and shoulders above. Marijuana is legal here in Illinois, I went to dispensary and was shocked to learn they cannot carry leading brands like Cookies because they can only purchase from local growers. I purchased about 10 different strains and they were all garbage. I did the same thing in NYC, trash compared to the likes of what Cookies is putting out. The taxes you pay for the marijuana are so prohibitive I don't see a person who regularly enjoys cannabis shopping at a dispensary but whatever.

  7. During a bear market, the headlines will focus on negative news, whether it's declining economic growth, geopolitical upheaval, cultural and legal turmoil, or some combination of all three. I listened to a podcast of someone that grew his reserve from $120k to almost $460k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods?.

  8. Social Equity= Criminals that profited off an Illegal product, fully aware of it's illegality, are awarded not only their license, but the whole cost of the acquisition of property, building/remodeling costs, all legal fees, employee screening and HR, Product, and tax incentives.
    The Gray market in NY is fed by Legal grows that the state licensed, then promptly forgot. Most are on their 4th or fifth harvests since last summer. Over production due lack of legal shops is causing growers to find markets, or go bankrupt. They don't have all the incentives the dispenaries have. I think that's fair as it can get in NY

  9. Im from Amsterdam, can smoke it everywhere i want, been one time at a coffeeshop, prices are riciculous, 15 euro a gram, while my dealer ask between 3/5 euro for the same weed😂

  10. How about put and end stereotype of drug addiction in normalize it cuz it is normal with part of life we're all people and here's the funny thing human rhymes with habit for a reason

  11. It's wild to me how when a state legalizes cannabis, the formerly known "drug dealer" is now a highly successful and legalized business that's recognized by the state government as an LLC. That's how it should be, but to think that at various points through out history some of these "drug dealers" were killed during search warrants and/or seizures is somewhat morbid to think about. Just to think that individuals who specialized in botany/agriculture/biology as well as sales/marketing/advertisement/commerce were murdered for growing/harvesting/distributing/selling A PLANT is horrifying. Our children's children are going to be terrified of our generation 😂😂🤣🤣😅😅

  12. The state of Kentucky is planning to legalize recreational sometime around 2063. It's the only state that actually PREFERS to be in last place lol. We could be making new glues, adhesives, building materials, oils, lubricants, paper, and so much more outside of recreational usage. There's such an immense market out there besides consumption and with the right innovation we may develop a new product, medication, or use that could change how we do certain things in business/manufacturing/construction/etc.

  13. Regulating a plant that grows with rain. Sounds like some Monsanto style rigging systems. I hear this plant is a fruit like a tomato. Do we tax tomatoes at farmers markets

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