WORKS 100% When It Comes To Baldness & Alopecia, Thinning Hair. Do Not Wash It Out, use Daily.

magic hair growth oil #diyhairgrowthoil only 2 natural ingredientS super hair growth oil Onion oil for hair growth Ginger and cloves …


  1. Ingredients:
    – 2 table spoons of cloves
    – 100% pure coconut oil
    – 1 tablespoon raw shea butter
    – 1 table spoon Indian hemp oil
    – 10 drops of vitamin E oil.

  2. Wait one cotton picking minute.!!!!!! You started showing a picture of a woman full face, but then when the hair "grew", I only saw longer hair. But not one the face of the first woman. Right away I think this is a rouse.

  3. Good day dear, could you help me with a suitable mixture for my hair. I have had severe stress for 11 years and lost my eldest son to cancer last year. My hair has always been a fine texture but I had a lot of hair, but my hair started to fall out and I have a bald spot in the middle front of my head. My hair has became so thin. I don't want to leave the house as I am so embarrassed about my hair. Thank you and God Bless 🤗

  4. Great video, thanks! Your hair looks beautiful and healthy. I never thought to make the oil in a batch like that OR use a blender. I will definitely do this and want to try this recipe for me and my husband who is going to be growing his hair long. Mine is stuck just below shoulder length and is always damaged.

  5. So you’re basically regurgitating the same selling points posted by other vloggers regarding the use of cloves.
    I just use clove oil, rosemary oil and olive oil.
    I mix all three and apply it to my hair and scalp.
    Plus taking care of one’s scalp will help encourage growth, so a good thorough scalp massage will stimulate the scalp.

  6. Im confused by the pictures you showed at the beginning of the video. Your hair went from very short to long and then towards end you had your hair in plaits which look average length? Interestly, the picture of the long hair was back of head, so could have been anyone, i guess?

  7. Thank you someone finally spoke up and we are not trying to be negative but right now there are soooooo many when suffering with damage hair and its like an epidemic right everyone thats starting these DIY is getting paid so much money thats the real reason why their is growing there is no worries and here we are running out to store every month and some are running out every week to buy what these people are saying they are using they don't really know what mixtures are growing their hair all they know is I need to make a believer content so I can get paid and might get some sponsors so with all that said seek God first ask how and what should you use their is no real consistency with none of these people just go back through their videos and you will see all product that they said they swear by following week there something different if we unfollow all these so call scientists you will see alot of hair lost on there end money gone hair gone think for yourself because you know your whole being better than anyone stay woke!

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