50k SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL Livestream! ASK ME ANYTHING Multiple Sclerosis!

We JUST HIT 50k Subscribers! Thank you guys! Let’s celebrate together with this special Ask Me Anything Multiple Sclerosis!


  1. Congrats Dr. B, well deserved! I appreciate the explanation of heat sensitivity with prior optic neuritis. Unfortunately, I have a history of neuritis in both eyes. Even though I still have good vision in one eye, I get cloudy and blurry vision in both eyes when overheated which is frustrating during the summer. It makes it hard to exercise, but I'm used to it at this point. Extreme cold in winter makes my legs feel stiff from spasticity as well. Your shared knowledge has been very helpful to me since my diagnosis over 2 years ago. Looking forward to many more videos, all the best!

  2. In the dermatology field within the nhs why do dermatologists only approach the inflammatory aspect of atopic dermatitis targeting T1 & T2 cells & not for instance the compromised barrier due to filaggrin deficiency (there have been trial done proving positive efficacy of filaggrin supplementation).
    Also the the allergy & immunology services of the nhs (including dieticians) do not talk about the allergy triggers of inflammation like histamine & it's build up due to a lack of diamine oxidase enzyme in the gut (which is reduced drastically when taking antihistamines). I have multiple food & contact allergies & intollerances & the response I got from the dietician was well avoid everything..

  3. 66-year-old male with primary progressive multiple sclerosis and I take Oacrivus infusions every six months for the past for years. I have now ran into a very embarrassing situation after the last three or four infusions. After the infusion I have to travel back home about 100 miles and all these trips back I can no longer hold My excrement back and about halfway through the trip I have to stop and run into the woods it’s a rural area with a bout of diarrhea and I tend to pee my pants. I do not know if it’s the cortical steroids or The Benadryl that is causing this. It is now becoming a guaranteed event after the infusion are usually take a medical transport for the appointment to save on gas. I still drive but this is the best way for me to save some money. What can I do about this problem very embarrassing problem That I’m running into?

  4. Hi there, never thought I would say this but my son is having bouts of dizziness that have just come out of the blue along with a shaky feeling inside. He's now getting stressed because he thinks it may be the start of ms because of his mum having it. You are so right about autoimmune disease in families, my mum has arthritis. I have MS and now my son is worried that he's following the trend☹️

  5. Sorry to have missed the live 50k celebration 🎉 So very pleased for you and incredibly thankful to you! Congratulations 😁💖🎉🍾🥂
    Next 100k on to 500k then million 😁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💜

  6. Ugh, I'm always late….it's so aggravating. Dr. Boster, in my past life, lol sorry for the pun, I was an Industrial Electrician. Also, I have always been one to think outside of the box. Forgive me here, I'm curious about science but I basically know nothing.
    Cholesterol is bad, it's sticky plaque that adheres to the inside of our veins, right? So…. is there a way that we could utilize this and somehow direct it to coat the outside of nerves rather than the inside of our veins? I mean, cholesterol is fat, right??? But the insulation on nerves is fat too…kinda sorta?
    Maybe I'm watching too much scifi….sorry.

  7. I missed this live too but my husband has been watching the replays with me. He is so impressed with your knowledge. We are in Canada but his family is in Columbus Ohio so you have a new fan…lol. we appreciate all the information you share with the world. I signed up for your updates and newsletter…so hopefully I'll catch the next live. Keep up the good work!

  8. Hello. I've recently been diagnosed with MS. However, my neuro is sending me to Mayo because other things are going on. I think I'm experiencing MS hug but have questions because pain with this is excruciating and often causes me to go to the floor. Feel like I'm losing my mind! Finding enough info on this is limited. Plz can u advise me in a direction toward ppl with my degree of pain and or advise me with answers yourself. Thank you greatly!

  9. I hate I missed the live. Congratulations 🎉🍾❤️🤗 👏
    I would love your opinion on JC Virus positive, MS, MS treatments and PML.I’m terrified to use any MS treatments. I was diagnosed 36 years ago but have had it for 39 years. I love your companion. I had one but lost her after 16 years so my sister got me a yorkie. Again congratulations. Thank you for sharing and have a blessed evening. Lisa from Florida ☀️

  10. 🇨🇦 newly diagnosed at age 67. Looking back I think I have been having flares for 20 years. I’m very grateful for the time you take on these videos. I’m on the wait list to see our one and only neurologist and meanwhile my family dr has me on gabapentin. Learning as much as I can so I can make the most of my appointment with the neurologist.

  11. I do not even have MS but you are such a great educational health teacher. I do have CNS injury with similar symptoms to MS so this has been so helpful. Thank YOU.

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