8 High Protein Foods that are Healthier than Vegetables

Use Code THOMAS20 for 20% off House of Macadamias: 8 High Protein Foods that are …


  1. Thomas, I did a search and can’t find that you’ve ever addressed wheat berries or freshly milled flour versus factory-milled. You seem like you are open to new ideas if you can find the science to back it up. Proponents of raw dairy also cheerlead the fresh milled whole grain (not store bought) way of life. Consider researching this and getting back to us…I’d love to hear your take. Wheat berries have an amazing vitamin E content. If the benefits are true, this is an area that not many YouTubers are addressing.

  2. Hi Thomas! I've had this question sitting on my mind for some time now. How can I lose weight – abdominal fat and fat all around my body – without losing weight or fat in my face? Is it possible?

  3. Thomas you said something innocently about eggs to be kind to those who only want to eat the egg whites. You cited the nutrients in the whole egg and endorsed eating the whole thing unless you just want the protein where you extended the olive branch of just eating the egg white. When you eat the whole egg your body converts 48% of the protein into human tissue. When you remove the yolk it only converts 17% which is more like the absorption rate of a protein shakes and vegetables. Meat has a conversion of about 32%. This means if you want the protein you gotta eat the whole egg 😀

  4. "Lean". "Lean". "Lean". "Lean".

    Why in h311 would I want to eat lean meat? Are you still under the impression that animal fat is anything but helpful & nutritious?

    What's next? Aerobics classes with headbands & ricecakes?

  5. I eat more venison then beef…..why…cost. I fill my freezer every fall….I occasionally but a nice NY strip or Rib Eye…but love venison more. Also the hunting helps me with exercise….hiking in…dragging out a deer.

  6. I think delauer made a mistake all plants have all the essential amino acids in varying amounts

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov > pmc
    Dietary Protein and Amino Acids in Vegetarian Diet A-Review-NCBI

    "All plant foods contain all 20 amino acids, including the 9 indispensable amino acids [33]. Importantly, rather than “missing” indispensable amino acids, a more accurate statement would be that the amino acid distribution profile is less optimal in plant foods than in animal foods.Nov 4, 2019"

  7. Want to live longer?
    Eat the minimum grams of protein for your body weight.
    The high protein diet shortens lifespan. Yes there are studies, Thomas somehow always misses those.

  8. I bought hemp hearts from Costco. Is that the same thing as hemp seeds? maybe I bought the wrong ones. 3Tbsp has only 10g protein and 15g fat 🤔

  9. I’m at the hospital and they’re injecting me with bad medications 💉 🤪

    Me: I’ve been told I’m getting out today 😊

    Doctor: NOT EVEN CLOSE! 😵‍💫 🫣

  10. mmm venison and eggs, watching, drooling, fasting ;p
    nettle seed as far as I know also have all the essential amino acids are easy to harvest and free, go well in an omelette, so do pumpkin seeds B-)

  11. I am not vegetarian but can live on just Sunflower, Pumpkin Seeds and Hazel Nuts and Walnuts. Loooooove them. But eat other things too😂 to survive 😂

  12. Removing animal cruelty from your plate is the single most impactful way to stop environmental devastation and global warming. Animal Agriculture is the leading driver of human induced cruelty, pandemics, climate change, poor health, deforestation, water depletion, habitat loss, species extinction and world hunger. We're literally eating ourselves to extinction. Over 80 billion land animals are killed every year and suffer incomprehensible cruelty before a horrific death to needlessly feed selfish, arrogant carnivores with no moral integrity. The vast majority of these land animals are fed field crops. These field crops include all varieties of wheat, barley, corn, oats, rye, canola, flaxseed, soybeans, dry peas, lentils, dry beans, chickpeas, mustard seed, canary seed, and sunflower seed. Just 55 percent of the world's crop calories are actually eaten directly by people. Another 36 percent is used for animal feed. 77% of the world's soy is fed to livestock for meat and dairy production, while less than 10% of soy bean crops are used for human consumption. One of the biggest drivers of deforestation is agriculture. Farmland expansion is responsible for 90 percent of deforestation around the world, including crops grown for both human and animal consumption, as well as the clearing of forests for animal grazing. On its own, animal grazing accounts for 40 percent of deforestation. According to the 2021 report "Greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods" published in Nature Food, the livestock sector is responsible for 20% of all human-caused GHG emissions and 60% of food system GHG emissions (twice that of plant-based foods). Livestock account for 37% of human-related methane production. Methane is important because it is a much stronger greenhouse gas. In technical terms, it has a higher global warming potential (GWP). Take all animal products off your plate as they are not only unnecessary, but unhealthy as well. Let's be the generation who gives a damn. Stop abusing animals for your taste buds! Go Vegan! Buy Vegan! If you eat meat, dairy, eggs and fish, not only are you putting your taste buds before incomprehensible animal cruelty, you're killing the planet.

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