reaction #amberlynnreid #commentary What is she on? Like for real! ❀️ SassyAssassin CashApp:$LisaGladigan PayPal: …


  1. I have a question: How did wifey do the Heimlich procedure on ALR? That requires placing one's arms around person and finding the breast bone as the first steps. No way anyone could get their arms around that.

  2. I mean who’s gonna take out the garbage when jade is gone seriously bending reaching anything can happen to her walking the dog just simple things that I can do that she can’t do she’s not normal she’s in a pickle

  3. The area with lipedema will not lose weight easily…however, the rest of the body will show weight loss. I worked with a woman who had it bad! She had thin shoulders and a huge lower body. Dieting DID work but then she had to work hard and we don't have any history of Amber attempting to do anything longer than a week, maybe.

  4. She doing same thing she did with density , make gf go to the store other day cause she buys small amount food to force them to hang out with her

  5. She portays, lipodema/lymphodema as a reason shes 500 lbs. Those conditions could still be present at 300 lbs. At 260 lbs.
    In my opinion she ate more calories than 90 % of the US population for a decade. Hows it taste amber?

  6. Amber thinks its a good thing shes a lesbian, like she doesn't have to cook for a husband or boyfriend. She forgets that she may have to cook regularly to feed jade who is so hard working according to Amber. Airfried frozen meals is not dinner for your hard working beloved. Thats why jade doesn't even want any of her air fried garbage.
    Feeding your loved one is one of most qualifying and meaningful things. Even if your not the best cook. Famber literally never cared.

  7. Ooooh she started with Wipeys shit. Our goorrl is getting a bit angry? Btw she's not lifting anything. That turntable is a toy,not a real quality record player. That barely weighs anything.

  8. What is the point of those Popsicles if she is lying about it? Eating like crap and you can tell her body is gaining. It is a waste of time lol. She is definitely on drugs she is very manic as hell

  9. I don't believe she saw a specialist because our the gate she couldn't pronounce lipedema correctly. No doctor who specializes in edemas wouldn't be able to correctly pronounce an edema.
    My guess is she was googling lymphedema and probably got a suggestion like "lymphedema vs lipedema" and decided she had it because she misunderstood it (a lot of speculation on my end, but it's the only thing I can think that makes sense).
    She'd have a higher body fat percentage and struggle to lower it; her weight loss/metabolism wouldn't be affected like she says. She needs to do keto and exercise for lipedema and low sodium for her lymphedema, but she doesn't want to, so it's just "no I lidurally can't loose weight because of my liepodema guise"

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